To understand what happened, we first need an understanding of how RPPM proc mechanics work. Hamlet of <Elitist Jerks> has written a number of brilliant blog posts explaining RPPM, so I will instead refer to his work: ... ased-buff/" target="_blank ... nced-rppm/" target="_blank
In March 2013, a change was made to RPPM trinkets so they would have "bad luck protection" (BLP). This meant that trinkets would have a further increased chance to proc, if the last successful proc was a long duration ago. This details were contained in the following blue post by Nethaera:" target="_blank
The post explains how RPPM proc chances are multiplier by the following value:
Code: Select all
MAX(1, 1+((TimeSinceLastSuccessfulProc/AverageProcInterval)-1.5)*3)
Another separate change, made in July 2013, was intended to make RPPM effects proc more often on pull. This was intended to fix issues such as players not participating in clearing trash, just to make sure their trinkets would be ready for the boss. This was detailed in a blue post by Lore which is no longer accessible, but MMO-Champion still retains a copy in their blue tracker: ... mechanics/" target="_blank
Lore's post includes an important detail: On Boss pulls, "time since last proc" for RPPM effects are set to 120 seconds. This is again an important detail.
In patch 6.1, the 4T17 set bonus was nerfed from 1.0 RPPM to 0.7 RPPM. These values correspond to average proc intervals of 60 seconds and 85.7 seconds respectively. Using the formula from the first change, this implies that BLP will kick in at 90 seconds and 128.57 seconds respectively. Since bosses reset your "time since last proc" to exactly 120 seconds, this implies that BLP used to be active on the pull, but the nerf has changed it to inactive on the pull. Combining this with the straight forward nerf to the RPPM value, and we now see a greatly diminished proc chance within the opening moments of a fight.
Given how Blizzard is very aware of exactly how RPPM works, it is hard to imagine that this is unintended or unforeseen. On paper, Fire's set bonuses still rank among the strongest ones across classes, despite having a number of usability concerns. This leads me to think that Blizzard is unlikely to make any changes to address these quality of life annoyances. Most likely, fellow pyromaniacs will just have to tough it out.
TL;DR: 4T17 no longer proccing on the pull is not a bug.