Using simcraft 6.1.0 rel 2, HecticAddCleave fight style, 500 sec, 681 ilvl gear, 4pt17 i get the following scale factors
int 9.65
SP 8.13
Haste 7.00
Mastery 6.41
Crit 6.20
Multi 5.24
Vers 3.94
where am I doing wrong ?
Search found 10 matches
- Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:39 pm
- Forum: Post Questions & Ask for Help >>Here!<<
- Topic: Stats given by SimC
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2219
- Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:26 pm
- Forum: Fire
- Topic: Fire mage guide for 6.2 by Dutchmagoz!
- Replies: 227
- Views: 260911
Re: Fire mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [updated for
no, but in my experience it has a very high chance to proc just AFTER you used combustion.....does pyromaniac procc 100% at first pyro procc? (pull)
- Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:35 pm
- Forum: Fire
- Topic: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC
- Replies: 153
- Views: 147737
Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC
This is the problem. Probably i don't have enough crit. With 4p i switched to masteryObviously if you don't chain pyros because of bad RNG, your combustion is going to be sucky nonetheless, but at least during a pull it shouldn't happen.
- Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:54 pm
- Forum: Fire
- Topic: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC
- Replies: 153
- Views: 147737
Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC
I'm the only one having problems in getting a huge ignite without using IB ? Testing on dummies i'm able to get a +50% inflate on the secondary target (the one on which i will cast combustion) but using the standard rotation i'm getting a bigger ignite on main target. Why are you not using IB? This...
- Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:55 am
- Forum: Fire
- Topic: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC
- Replies: 153
- Views: 147737
Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC
Get huge ignite IB (other target is burning) IB (other target is REALLY burning) swap to other targetcombust IB (spread mega-combustion to all targets) I'm the only one having problems in getting a huge ignite without using IB ? Testing on dummies i'm able to get a +50% inflate on the secondary tar...
- Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:01 pm
- Forum: Frost
- Topic: Frost Talents, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinkets, FAQ
- Replies: 479
- Views: 452285
Re: Frost Talents, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinkets, FAQ
^Actually no, if IF/RoP is doing better than MI by default, then when a target takes increased damage, it will still be better to run IF/RoP over MI. I disagree. Let' assume that MI does 1% less damage than IF.. but it does it's damage in a 40s window over 2 min. So if you use it in phase wit incre...
- Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:39 pm
- Forum: Frost
- Topic: Frost Talents, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinkets, FAQ
- Replies: 479
- Views: 452285
Re: Frost Talents, Stat Weights, Racials, Trinkets, FAQ
Where can i find a trinket-comparison sim with the stage 4 alchemy trinket ?
- Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:34 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: 6.1 changes
- Replies: 41
- Views: 36309
Re: 6.1 changes
I don't think that Arcane/Fire will remain untouched - it may wait until they see some BRF data, but my guess is that Arcane and Fire will be brought down a bit. I think that fire will remain a niche spec for the entire expansion. The day it will be competitive on single target it will also be out ...
- Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:50 pm
- Forum: Frost
- Topic: Frost Opener?
- Replies: 60
- Views: 55526
Re: Frost Opener?
I see that almost everyone is using the FO very soon in the opening sequence, just after the fbolt-wjet and before the PC. But in this way you risk to lost at least one fof proc of FO hitting boss and PC, is that better than loosing a GCD casting FO after PC ? 2x fbolt w wjet PC 2x fof-il FO IN IN i...
- Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:48 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Disadvantage of moving with mouse?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 18150
Re: Disadvantage of moving with mouse?
i am in the same situation, i play with a G15 and a razer Hex and use the mouse to move. My (cheap) solution: something like this, with strafe and backpedal or jump binded to it or you can consider a gaming keypad ...