Search found 2 matches
- Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:54 pm
- Forum: Arcane
- Topic: ...DPS high, Damage low, why?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 18133
Re: ...DPS high, Damage low, why?
I have noticed this exact same thing recently. While I have no explanation for it other than "because: arcane", it only seems to show like that in Recount. When I look at our logs on, it shows what looks like my actual DPS vs. the worldbeater DPS (and much lower actual damage). So i...
- Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:44 pm
- Forum: Arcane
- Topic: 7.1.5 - Arcane Mage Guide - Updated: 02-16-2017
- Replies: 364
- Views: 353357
Re: 7.1.5 - Arcane Mage Guide - Updated: 02-01-2017
Hi guys, I'm very sorry if this is posted somewhere else and I missed it, but I'm still a bit confused on timing of RoP, MoA, AP, and Evoc. Should you try to line them all up every time, thus missing out on potential extra RoP/MoA's? Or should you be going for something closer to this (sorry if my t...