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by ColdasIce
Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:55 am
Forum: Frost
Topic: My opinion on the current state of frost mage
Replies: 20
Views: 28167

Re: My opinion on the current state of frost mage

Did a HC NH Farm run last night. (We killed HC Gul'Dan/Elisande at the end of our mythic progression raid Thursday) HC Skorp the 3 frost mages sat at around 1.5mil - 9th HC Chromatic - 827k - 3rd HC Triliax - 708k - 3rd HC Spellblade - 971k - 1st HC Tichondrius - 936k - 5th HC Botanist - 800k 8th (...
by ColdasIce
Wed May 24, 2017 6:15 am
Forum: Post Questions & Ask for Help >>Here!<<
Topic: which legendary should I use?
Replies: 2
Views: 3734

Re: which legendary should I use?

I just got the shard of Exodar ring but also have the frost legendary bracers and gloves. Which should I equip? I with the ring have 30% crit 24% haste and 42% mastery with ilvl of 900. With the other set up with both the wrists and gloves I have 30% crit 20%haste and 35% mastery and ilvl of 898. C...
by ColdasIce
Fri May 19, 2017 7:07 pm
Forum: Frost
Topic: Frost change 7.2.5
Replies: 96
Views: 134332

Re: Frost change 7.2.5

I think one of the important things to keep in mind is the two and four piece bonuses to frost in tier 20. While the change to [Thermal Void] may seem like a huge nerf to keep Frost from being far dominant like Fire was at the beginning of Legion, the bonuses we get in the Tomb of Saergeras will he...
by ColdasIce
Tue May 16, 2017 9:43 pm
Forum: Frost
Topic: Frost change 7.2.5
Replies: 96
Views: 134332

Re: Frost change 7.2.5

The ring seems to have gotten a new iteration.
Looks... almost decent. Arcane might be the most interesting here?
by ColdasIce
Wed May 10, 2017 6:01 am
Forum: Frost
Topic: Double Ice Lancing and world ms/input tolerance
Replies: 140
Views: 253932

Re: Double Ice Lancing and world ms/input tolerance

That's the problem, I check WCL and there are varying inconsistencies on the top parsers. I.e. for Krosus, most use bracers and ring but the top is bracer and gloves. For talents, I don't understand why for a ST fight like Krosus why they aren't all using UM, there are 3 with AG. There are also 7 S...
by ColdasIce
Tue May 02, 2017 7:10 am
Forum: Frost
Topic: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5
Replies: 334
Views: 587218

Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2

Does shimmer lancing entail shimmering right after the flurry or shimmering after the first ice lance that follows the flurry? Quite sure there's some margin of error on it, probably depending on Haste, distance and if you also walk towards the boss. I've seen successful shimmerlancing both during ...
by ColdasIce
Tue May 02, 2017 3:04 am
Forum: Frost
Topic: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5
Replies: 334
Views: 587218

Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2

Im not sure thats really happened noticably morethen before though I could be wrong.. I dont always make it to the 2nd orb though I only have one icy viens relic, I did recently on a test dummy make it to about 2mins 40s before iv finally faded. Its just disappointing to have so many "legendary" it...
by ColdasIce
Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:08 am
Forum: Frost
Topic: Frost change 7.2.5
Replies: 96
Views: 134332

Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Can confirm 2xIL is still a thing, for better or worse.
by ColdasIce
Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:20 pm
Forum: Frost
Topic: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5
Replies: 334
Views: 587218

Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2

Thanks ColdasIce....... I dropped my crit from 33%+ to around 30% dropped my haste and I have seen a big boost in my dps I am struggling to work all of these interactions with stats and legend gear - so thanks again That's a bit of a misunderstanding. I never said you should drop crit/haste towards...
by ColdasIce
Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:07 pm
Forum: Frost
Topic: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5
Replies: 334
Views: 587218

Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2

The wrists have Mastery which is pretty damn bad. There's a chance that the other legendary which you need to bag has much better stats and you couldn't make up for the loss of crit/haste from other gear. Sephuz for example has ideal stats and will make up for a lot of crit/haste. Overall, the buff ...
by ColdasIce
Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:37 am
Forum: Frost
Topic: Frost change 7.2.5
Replies: 96
Views: 134332

Re: Frost change 7.2.5

This change is not as horrible as it might seem at the first glance. The only things that are hugely affected by this change are Frozen Touch, Bone Chilling and Lady Vashj's Grasp. If you don't use any of them, this change will have only minor impact on your overall damage. The main benefit of this...

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