Hey guys, Im here to ask help / feedback on these 2 fights. I see every top mage parse for these fights are fire spec. But i dont know if its me doing something wrong or what, i just cant hit the mark as fire for these fights.
My dps trying to cleave 2 bosses at the same time is worse than my arcane single target dps.
I keep the main single target rotation most of the fight, cleaving with IB whenever i get a heating up proc. Combustion on cd (with glyph). Talents: LB, Incanters, Kindling. Im at 670 ilvl. My dps for heavy aoe fights seems alright for my gear (55ish k on operator / beastlord). And im at 35k on single target fights like butcher / gruul.
Am i doing anything wrong? http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... ada/simple" target="_blank (i did beastlord yesterday thats why i have DB glyph instead of combustion)
Thanks for any feedback
Help on Twins / Hanz & Franz
Re: Help on Twins / Hanz & Franz
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... 0,d=0,c=14" target="_blank
Hanz and franz kill yesterday, not my best attempt movement wize i have to say, but it may help to see if im prioritizing skills wrong
Hanz and franz kill yesterday, not my best attempt movement wize i have to say, but it may help to see if im prioritizing skills wrong
Re: Help on Twins / Hanz & Franz
Unfortunately, AMR logs don't show us anything about what you casted and when. You'll have to upload to WCL if you want feedback on your rotation.
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