[Arcane] DPS Quandary

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[Arcane] DPS Quandary

Unread postby Wildfire Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:34 pm

Hi, this is my first post here on Altered-Time and I'll try not to make an ass of myself. :D

So my guild is currently 8/10H and 2/7M and are looking to progress either Mythic Tectus or Heroic Blast Furnace this Monday night and my DPS is a pivotal part of either plan. Unfortunately, I can't seem to play Arcane correctly. I have my 4-set and a not too shabby set of gear, including the Oregorger trinket and a mythic SoN.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... e/advanced" target="_blank

I realize my gear is heavily optimized for fire, which was by design initially; although, now I need to play Arcane on several fights.

I don't have any specific logs ready, though if one of you brilliant theory crafters gets back to me I can most certainly post some after this Monday. With this absence of raw data, i'll give you some general numbers and rotations.
With fire I can generally pull between 36-40k on single target depending on Pyromaniac procs and luck of the draw on fireball chains. Inversely, I can only seem to do about 28-30k as Arcane. My gear, while heavily made for fire, can't be all that bad for arcane with the amount of mastery I'm hording. Therefore, I can only conclude it really is a haste problem, or rotation / mechanical issue.

Arcane Rotation:
-Burn Phase
Pop SoN / AP
Drop PC
AM (As I usually have a 4 set proc here)
PoM + AB
AM (only when I have 3 procs and am above 70% mana)
AB until 50% mana
-Conservation Phase
ABx4 using AM if I have 3 procs and not yet have 4 ACs
AM til gone
Rinse & Repeat until AP is up.

Then with the AP Glyph I'll typically use AM whenever it procs as long as I'm above 65% mana to extend my AP as much as I can through OP as I read somewhere that if you utilize the AP glyph you are not supposed to take PC. Another problem is when I AM I tend to que the next spell at about 3/4 through channeling which seems to end the cast, am I missing out on AM shots there?

If I'm doing anything wrong here I'd appreciate a shout out and any help you can give me.
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Re: [Arcane] DPS Quandary

Unread postby Chev Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:30 pm

There are a few things wrong. When you pop PC, don't use SN until you have 1 or no AM procs. the reason for this is hitting the crystal and the boss is two chances to proc AM. If you have 2 or more charges already, you may have just munched some charges.

You also have the use of AM during burn around the wrong way. You want to use AM when ever it procs unless you are below 70% in which case you only use them when you get 3 charges.

With your conserve phase. When you are at 4 stacks, use AM until you are above 93% Mana, AB, SN if you have it and then use any AM stacks you still have left. Repeat if you get above 93% again.

I don't know where you read about not taking PC if you have the AP glyph. Yes having PC and glyphed AP will mean every 2nd crystal will be done without AP, but that isn't a reason not to take PC (or the Glyph).

Yes, you need to make sure you finish your AM channel to get all the hits from it. There are addons available which show your latency on your cast bar so you can press the button in the red section without cutting you current spell short.
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Re: [Arcane] DPS Quandary

Unread postby Wildfire Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:49 pm

Thanks for the quick reply, just sitting here at work trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I'll give these changes a try on a dummy when I get home and let you know if my problems are fixed!
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Re: [Arcane] DPS Quandary

Unread postby Wildfire Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:34 am

Raised my DPS another 5k, i guess i'll just have to practice smoothness.

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