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Looking for help

Unread postby Anotherwowgamer Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:08 pm

Hello everyone my name is Alex and here is my toon.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... zok/simple

I've come here today to look for help, I have spent countless hours looking in the forms for tips and things that could help me out over the past few months. Overall i'd like to say that I know how to play my mage but it seems that I'm just not doing my best on every fight. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/m6 ... source=217<---- these are the logs from last Wednesdays heroic progression.

As of Blackrock foundry arcain is new to me so I'm still trying to work out the rotation (the main difficulty is the conserve phase). Another question I have on top of all of this is that I'm enchanted and gemed for arcain, but it seems that frost is best for most of the fights at my ilvl. Should I just stick it our or should I switch my enchants, for frost?
If there is anything that I can clarify beyond what I have please ask me to and I will.
All help is welcome!
Also here are some more fights from Ask Mr. Robot
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... d/overview
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... 3/overview
Thank you all so much for the help :D
-Alex/Krozok Area-52
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Frosted Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:00 pm

Are you looking for specific arcane advice on gorefiend?

You are running unglyphed AP, don't sycn it to the feast of souls phase, and seem to not control your AP use well. Sometimes you use AP at 1 AC stack, and then spend almost half it's duration building charges / Arcane missiling - which is a total waste. End result is one burn basically doesn't have AP in it. You don't sync PC/AP well either. AP seems to be used 5+s after PC has been down. You're burning extremely low for not having the archimonde trinket. Why are your burns OOMing you?
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Anotherwowgamer Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:53 pm

Are you looking for specific arcane advice on gorefiend?

You are running unglyphed AP, don't sycn it to the feast of souls phase, and seem to not control your AP use well. Sometimes you use AP at 1 AC stack, and then spend almost half it's duration building charges / Arcane missiling - which is a total waste. End result is one burn basically doesn't have AP in it. You don't sync PC/AP well either. AP seems to be used 5+s after PC has been down. You're burning extremely low for not having the archimonde trinket. Why are your burns OOMing you?
More of overall advice on arcane but this a good place to start.

Ok so "Sometimes you use AP at 1 AC stack, and then spend almost half it's duration building charges / Arcane missiling - which is a total waste." On some of these I got a Mark of doom buff and prioritised AM over AB. But this was from lack of knowledge on my part. (bare with me) I'm going to assume I should use AP when I have 4 stacks?

"You don't sync PC/AP well either. AP seems to be used 5+s after PC has been down."
No excuse on my part this is just me being bad. I'm in the process of creating shortcuts and macros to make this easier for me to do.

"Why are your burns OOMing you?"
When I went into the Feast of Souls phase on Gorefiend I found that I did not get alot of AM procks and would continue to cast AB. A question is should I Evocate during this phase or w8 until it is finished?
Thanks for the help! :D
Alex/Krozok Area-52
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Laodi Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:28 am

You should evo as normal even in Feast. The longer you burn the lesser dmg are you doing because your mana is low and the longer you have to evo to come back. Dont focus to much on Feast. Do a normal burn and after that conserve and pray to RNG that you get some AMs/2pc-procs/MoDs
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Anotherwowgamer Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:37 am

Ok sounds good I will post my progress on this weeks heroic gorefiend run this Wednesday. Also does anyone know of a good way to cast PC because I'v been having issues with it actually casting?
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Rettep Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:51 am

What do you mean by "having issues"?
Describe your issues more to get help.
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Anotherwowgamer Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:23 pm

So sometimes when I try to put down my prismatic crystal even if I'm in range it will not put it down, it seems to happen more on fights where there is an edge like on Gorfiend and Kromog from BRF now what I'm going to assume is that I just cast it off of the ledge and it does not put it down. If so thats just on my end and its a easy fix. Also now that I think about it is there a script that lets you target you last target when PC ends?
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Rinoa Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:28 pm

I don't think such a thing exists. You do have the global cooldown to re-target though, so if you make good use of it then there should be little to no time loss.

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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Chev Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:05 pm

Nothing specifically for when PC ends, but you can use the "/targetlasttarget" macro.
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Anotherwowgamer Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:16 pm

Sounds good, again thanks for all of the help this community is awesome!
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Re: Looking for help

Unread postby Anotherwowgamer Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:36 am

Ok here it is
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dpPZJGRF2hwxvANk/" target="_blank
an improvement for sure the main issue that I know of was at the end was not sure if I should have stalled cool downs or not and ended up using AP and not using crystal. But there were some issues in raid as in we should not have had a 3ed feast. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but that's what happens when you have to pug 3 healers.

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