716 arcane mage dps problem

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716 arcane mage dps problem

Unread postby bythepowerofthor Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:27 am

Moderator note: Moved to Q&A.

hello friends,

So I'm stuck on my dps within H-HFC, I feel like I should be popping hire numbers during my burn phase than what I currently am doing. Highest I saw was about 85k during the second boss. Any pointers, or common mistakes people new to arcane are known to make?

here's my updated Armory profile. I also have ToSW
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... s/advanced" target="_blank
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Re: 716 arcane mage dps problem

Unread postby Wilderness Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:57 am

Without logs, the only good advice I could say would be to read through the guides here on this forum.

Looking at your character, the biggest thing that stands out is no class trinket. Its incredibly strong for Arcane. And why do you have OP instead of PC?
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
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Re: 716 arcane mage dps problem

Unread postby bythepowerofthor Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:59 am

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/yK ... ne&boss=-2" target="_blank

Here are the logs from last nights raid.

I do have the class trinket, just following what Mr. Robot told me was best in slot for my ilvl. Also, I didnt take PC due to not being overly comfortable with said talent. I guess I'm just going to have to get use to using it.
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Re: 716 arcane mage dps problem

Unread postby Zelus Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:49 pm

Well for example, you used arcane orb on your zakuun kill. That is gonna lower your dps by a lot, especially on that kind of fight. You should get in the habit of using prismatic crystal whenever you can and also figuring out how to utilize the crystal properly.
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Re: 716 arcane mage dps problem

Unread postby Zelendria Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:24 pm

Issues I can see.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/yK ... 4&source=5" target="_blank

Strangely this is one of the only fights you went PC for despite AO actually being decent on add fights.
1x PC
0x AP
1x Evo
In a 6 minute fight. Do you DC or something? You're sat on 100% mana for 3 minutes.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/yK ... w=timeline" target="_blank

You've used AP way too late. The ring has already exploded and your int pot has expired.
Your mana regularly either caps or dips far lower than expected if you were using the 93% rule, and doesn't recover. This will consistently hurt your DPS due to how your mastery works.

Kormrok you're dead for most of it, but should be using Supernova for hands.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/yK ... &spell=100" target="_blank

You use Evo at 0:20 but something happens and it gets cancelled leaving your mana in a mess. There's no casts of last tier spells before dying again.

No AP on opener. You've got enough time to use everything on opener and have it ready for feast. Die again.

Generally you need to learn to rotate better because you dip around the 75% mana mark a lot, and rarely recover it properly. I assume you've read guides, if not find the arcane mage guide in the forums by Dutch it'll help a lot.
If you've made a mistake, especially an Evo one, you need to get really conservative otherwise your mana pretty much never recovers. ABx2, any AM, Barrage until it's back to normal.
You need to get something to remind you with CD's. Tellmewhen some weak aura or the likes so that you use them regularly. You miss the use a lot.
You kinda need to die less. You're playing one of the most surviveable classes in PvE. Start learning to use Alter Time and GI. There isn't a single cast of either in the entire night. GI is a perfect oh shit talent on a low CD to save your ass from almost everything in HFC.
Ice Floes usage is really low. This talent is so essential to countering arcane mobility issues.

Also AMR is totally wrong about trinket selection. Don't know if that's to do with class trinket having no intellect on it or whatever, as it always picks PoF and UGoS, but definitely equip it.

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