[Frost] Help Boop w/DPS

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[Frost] Help Boop w/DPS

Unread postby Wedgeen Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:37 am


Thank you for all the hardwork u put into this class :)

I need some help getting further atm.
Im not happy with the dps i do in raids at all, can u give me some hints on what to do or advice on rotations or what not since i always seem to end up at the bottom of meters.

Dont have any logs atm sorry.

Link http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... oop/simple" target="_blank

Mod Note: I split this to make its own topic and moved it to Help My DPS ~Ak
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Re: [Frost] Help Boop w/DPS

Unread postby Akraen Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:59 pm

Any chance you can get some logs? Even an LFR or something so we can see your LB and Invo uptime, Alter Time usage, etc. LFR Malkorok works well for this but any fight can tell us something.

Your gear looks good, 19347 is just fine. If you find yourself struggling to use procs and overwriting a lot, you may perform better with 14242 haste and put the rest into mastery. Aside from that I can't tell much more from your armory.

Frost is pretty easy to get, it's just about incorporating the methods of frost into whichever fight you're doing. When adds spawn, dot them, if a lot of adds, Flamestrike. Try to think about Splitting Ice and what your icicles and ice lances are cleaving onto.

Keep invo + LB up as close to 100% as you can and spend procs. That's really it.

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