Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

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Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

Unread postby Pacts Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:03 am

armory: ... s/advanced
logs: ... &source=21

Hi all, I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out Arcane for Mythic Mannoroth. I don't think I've ever had this much trouble on a boss so far. I frequently find myself bottom dps after we wipe, and I just have no idea if I'm doing something wrong. I'd really appreciate any advice or help anyone could give me.

I've been trying Arcane Orb tonight after trying PC yesterday, and some pulls I do ok if I get good PoF RNG, but otherwise I feel like I'm seriously underperforming. My guild pops ring for the first wave of imps so I've been lining up Arcane power with that, not sure if that's the correct decision because sometimes felseeker comes right before the tail end of my burn, I think I might be losing some damage there.

Also, we pop 2nd ring when its my turn to soak wrath, so I pretty much miss it all.

In terms of logs, I know most of the attempts are pretty short, I hope that its not too short to tell if I've been doing things wrong. Also, please tell me if I should go frost for this fight. I'd like to try and make arcane work, but will switch if it could be better.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

Unread postby Curnivore Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:13 am

I'm also on this fight and I'd like to hear thoughts on this. I don't have that much trouble on Arcane though. We ring on pull and ring on CD (an imps wave is near that and it seems fine). The first ring can normally kill the doom lord on some guilds, we don't, but that seems fine since that doom lord is easy. I don't find Arcane Orb a good idea. This is because Arcane Orb shines on 3 targets or more and this fight has most of the time 1 or 2 targets and more targets are situational. Prismatic Crystal and Supernova seems to be the way to go.

The real challenge in this fight for me is Ice Floes. Arcane can use it in so many ways it's overwhelming. It even needs trimming when to use. For instance even if you can use it for Gazes, you can't really use all the charges at that point because you might need them later, but you could use them if you had more, but you don't. Some people just use them only at predetermined times once before gazes, once before other mechanics I'm told. Frost doesn't have that much use for Ice Floes because it instant casts all the time.
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Re: Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

Unread postby skiz Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:53 am

armory: ... s/advanced
logs: ... &source=21

Hi all, I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out Arcane for Mythic Mannoroth. I don't think I've ever had this much trouble on a boss so far. I frequently find myself bottom dps after we wipe, and I just have no idea if I'm doing something wrong. I'd really appreciate any advice or help anyone could give me.

I've been trying Arcane Orb tonight after trying PC yesterday, and some pulls I do ok if I get good PoF RNG, but otherwise I feel like I'm seriously underperforming. My guild pops ring for the first wave of imps so I've been lining up Arcane power with that, not sure if that's the correct decision because sometimes felseeker comes right before the tail end of my burn, I think I might be losing some damage there.

Also, we pop 2nd ring when its my turn to soak wrath, so I pretty much miss it all.

In terms of logs, I know most of the attempts are pretty short, I hope that its not too short to tell if I've been doing things wrong. Also, please tell me if I should go frost for this fight. I'd like to try and make arcane work, but will switch if it could be better.

Thanks in advance.
Well, arcane relies on his burst. If your guild does weird ring delays, you will have a bad time.

Ring vs Imps: ... nd=9868469" target="_blank

Sadly, I do not see any log of you where you actually do have a ring on the pull without bl on it. But if you compare the ring damage on both logs, you'll probably see if that ring delay is worth it. Anyway, if your guild goes for that one you can get the information if you want to delay your AP to that ring out of those two logs. Is that ring definitly higher than a normal one?

If that is not the case you're basically forced to AP on Pull and mostly on cooldown. And maybe line up a later AP to the ring. But honestly, that is a huge amount of ingame / intry thinking that will probably distract you. Oh and you should try to get your cooldowns out before soaking. Especially if your guild rings during it.

The strength of frost is that you're able to do 100% of your damage - even if you have to move on that boss. Rarely blinked on it, except for knockback in phase 3. You have a little bit higher damage outside of the burst phase compared to arcane. Feel free to try frost. But frost with haste gems/enchants is going to suck on that boss compared to MS gear. Worth a shot to play frost, but don't expect high gains if ring is looking weird.

P.S. did not looked into your rotation. But that will mostly come down to: Can you play arcane? If not you should have a look into the arcane forums here.
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Re: Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

Unread postby monkeyofdoom Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:18 pm

I would question why you're not using ring as soon as the boss spawns. This maximises dps on the boss - but the ring explosion also kills the 1st doomlord. Then using ring on cooldown can be used to explode on the 3rd and 5th doom lords. You shouldn't need it for the imps as you have 2 warriors and a warlock so they should be dying really quickly. And, later rings do coincide with imps anyway - so it's a false economy to delay for the first imps - as loses dps later and more importantly kills doom lords which are the main difficulty in these phases.
Definitely use PC - massive dps increase, plus really useful for last phase - at pull I drop it as soon as Manno appears and fingers crossed get a POF proc on it.
2 supernovas every imp wave (though wait until they've been gripped - early supernovas stop the grip in mid flight and can mean loose imps which causes wipes)
If using ring on cooldown then cooldowns shouldn't coincide with soaking wraths - but agreed that if they don't change this - then not much you can do other than use your PC/Arcane power earlier.

This is really fun fight for Arcane once you get it - loads of dps and double blink makes movement hardly an issue.
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Re: Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

Unread postby Zelendria Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:24 pm

Mannoroth is one of them fights where you'd want 10x IF charges if you could. If you learn his rotation, you can start using it to your advantage.
For example:

Start moving as the first imps land because your next two casts should be SN, and Felseeker follows imps which I assume is taken elsewhere away from the boss. That way you have spent 2 GCDs moving without touching IF.
Blink back to your stack point for fear, and then use your second Blink to go backwards as coincidentally this is where you'd actually end up stood for soaking.
Now it's Infernals which you can use a IF for, and with Barrage can get loosely stacked for imps again.

Before doing things like that I was permanently out of IF charges, not doing ABC, and basically felt like I was running around like a headless chicken.
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Re: Mythic Mannoroth Help Please

Unread postby Curnivore Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:29 pm

Hellstorm may be giving more hits if it's not used for that though. I considered Blazing Speed but that may be mainly useful for frost since they insta cast all the time anyway. Since Evanesce can't be taken and Blazing is so weak for Arcane I guess one has to make do with Floes even if it's not truly enough.

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