Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

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Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby poorprae Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:31 pm

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What are ways to maximize efficiency as a frost mage on Mythic Tyrant? By efficiency, I mean all aspects of the class on the encounter. Here's a few things I do:

#1. Glyph double blink. Helps minimize movement damage from Aura of Oppression and Infernal Tempest. Also allows me to blink in and out of Font of Corruption. (I'm usually at the very bottom of damage taken.)

#2. Greater Inviz. out of Annihilating Strike.

#3. Evanesce to help in a pitch. Also works with Gavel knockback or ground damage in phase 3.

#4. I realize I could use Ice Block to stop sacrifice in phase 3, but it's only a 5% chance for me to get it.


#1. Is the heirloom trinket BiS for this fight?

#2. Ice Flows... do I pop it right after the 1st add comes down so I can use it again in the fight OR save for it for heroism? What is better?
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Zelendria Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:50 am

1. You can move through Infernal Tempest with just the GCD of IL + BF procs. No idea why you would want to Blink it
It's useful for moving out of the Font stack with one Blink and then back to your normal group with the other
2. Never really found Annihilating Strike a major concern. Plus your tanks should be taunting most of them anyway.
3. Alter Time can reverse Gavel knockback without losing IF. Pointless using Evanesce to stand in the pools because it'll still be there when Evanesce wears out so you have to move no matter what.
4. Should have IB. It's only a 5% chance, but that could literally be the difference between a kill and a wipe on progression

1. No idea, don't have it anyway. 50 dungeons and counting
2. I assume you mean IV? Your DPS matters most pushing through P2. The less time you spend in that phase the better.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby poorprae Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:22 pm

"You can move through Infernal Tempest with just the GCD of IL + BF procs"

Are we on the same page here? I Blink for the sole purpose of not taking stacking damage from Aura of Oppression. The same goes for Font of Corruption. Heck, it's all for Aura of Oppression.

"Alter Time can reverse Gavel knockback without losing IF."

Think I'll do that.

"I assume you mean IV? Your DPS matters most pushing through P2. The less time you spend in that phase the better."

If I IV at the start (when 1st add comes down), I'll still be able to IV again in P2, I just won't be able to align it with heroism.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Wilderness Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:39 pm

"You can move through Infernal Tempest with just the GCD of IL + BF procs"

Are we on the same page here? I Blink for the sole purpose of not taking stacking damage from Aura of Oppression. The same goes for Font of Corruption. Heck, it's all for Aura of Oppression.

"Alter Time can reverse Gavel knockback without losing IF."

Think I'll do that.

"I assume you mean IV? Your DPS matters most pushing through P2. The less time you spend in that phase the better."

If I IV at the start (when 1st add comes down), I'll still be able to IV again in P2, I just won't be able to align it with heroism.
Sidestepping twice during Infernal Tempest is a tiny amount of damage. Blinking to avoid that is a waste. I'm not sure how you are positioning in P2, but most of the placements of the 2 groups I've seen is much closer than a single blink, so I don't see how blinking to the font group if you get it would be helpful. If your groups are far enough apart you can blink between them then you wouldn't be splitting the last ticks of edict between the groups which would be a lot of damage. Reducing the damage you take moving between groups isn't all that helpful anyway since you're going to be getting a lot of group healing.

During progression we saved 3 min CDs on the pull for hero at the start of P2, because getting through it quickly makes a big difference.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby poorprae Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:25 am

I'm pretty anal on taking damage. I'll consider the sidestep.

I'll also pick up Alter Times to help with the knock back for the spawn of the adds and gavel.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Rinoa Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:45 am

Keep in mind that it's not a useful goal to take as little damage as possible. It's a goal to take as little damage as possible when damage taken matters, that is a very important distinction. When the entire raid is topped and you have no important other incoming damage (Annihilating Strike for example, when it's on its own and not coupled with another ability) it's really no problem to just facetank it. Incidental heals will pick you up, and the potential damage healers lose is often times less than what you gain by not having to spend time on avoiding taking damage instead of dealing damage.

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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Kirielle Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:56 am

From my own personal experience, the only time Aura of Oppression is dangerous is during last phase. For the first two phases I would simply use IF and minimize your movement. Alter Time for the knockbacks is pretty big. The only caveat to this is you will have to choose whether to AT the third add spawn or the Gavel, since you can't have it available for both. I do agree with you that Invis'ing Annihilating Strike is worth the damage loss. I would Icy Veins on pull so that you can use it again in last phase with third ring. Keep in mind that often the biggest damage reduction you can accomplish for the raid is pushing the boss faster, so even though it might not show up on logs Ice Floes is probably still the best choice even in terms of damage taken.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Curnivore Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:33 pm

It's not 5% chance to get edict. Tanks can't get it and others might be dead. On the first farming kills or progress, people usually die left and right in the end and it doesn't matter because of a damage buff hence the fight doesn't end so it makes sense to expect an edict.

What is true is that I expected much more of them. It's rare to get 2.

We had some replies with research (sims) on those trinkets. It was usually a loss unless it was single target. And when it was single target most mythic trinkets seemed better occasionally.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Rinoa Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:44 pm

On progression I'm in principle against using Greater Invisibility willy nilly on Annihilating Strike. When Annihilating Strike isn't overlapping with another ability it's completely safe to just take the damage. This way you also have it available for the nasty Annihilating Strike + Edict combos and such, where using Greater Invisibility to drop it can be highly useful.

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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Zelendria Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:50 pm

"You can move through Infernal Tempest with just the GCD of IL + BF procs"

Are we on the same page here? I Blink for the sole purpose of not taking stacking damage from Aura of Oppression. The same goes for Font of Corruption. Heck, it's all for Aura of Oppression.
I wouldn't Blink because the damage from other methods of avoiding it is minimal, and your healers easily have it covered. You take 3-4 ticks during Tempest by sidestepping which is like 80k.
Not only that but if your raid is randomly spread out, finding a spot 20yds away, twice, that is free from other people moving for Infernal Tempest, including mistakes, is too much effort. Abuse your GCD's from Lanceweaving, or use a IF charge if needs be.

I totally agree with Rinoa about taking damage too. Avoiding damage just because you can with our toolset is fine assuming you don't critically need it later. Such as the scenario mentioned.
You dropped the first one when there was no real threat, but didn't have it later when it can actually kill.
I wouldn't worry so much about trying to reduce every bit of damage, but more avoid the damage you're meant to, and have a CD or two ready for a situation that really needs it.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby poorprae Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:26 am

Random Q: Assuming a single target and glyphed Icy Veins (to multistrike), will it be of any use on a single target? In other words, would it hit the same target twice?
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Curnivore Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:55 am

Multistrike repeats the current hit in a certain way, it's unrelated to number of targets. It's why people say that it's similar to crit on the end result, synergistic passives excluded. The current damage is increased.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby yungg Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:43 pm

I think evanesce is a tremendous mistake on this fight, ice floes is extremely useful esp. In the last phase, and it's ~ a 10% chance for you to get edict (melee can't be targeted by it). Being unable to ice block edict in p3 (if your guild isn't just healing through it) is a huge detriment.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby poorprae Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:00 pm

Downed Mythic Tyrant. A few things:

#1. Alter Time. Dang, what a nice spell. Used it when an add dropped down so I wouldn't take all 3-4 ticks of flying. Also used it once in phase 3 when we all tucked in the corner for Gavel.

#2. Used Icy Vein at the start of phase 2. This allowed me to use it once more late-phase 3.

#3. I do talent the speed boost (forgot name, tier-1 talent) for running out of Edict in phase 3. It's really tight for me to boost, blink, and Ice block.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Wilderness Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:29 pm

Grats on the kill.
#3. I do talent the speed boost (forgot name, tier-1 talent) for running out of Edict in phase 3. It's really tight for me to boost, blink, and Ice block.
You don't have a lock portal? What does anyone else do if they get it? Most other classes don't have big speed bursts and blink.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby poorprae Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:25 pm

Grats on the kill.
#3. I do talent the speed boost (forgot name, tier-1 talent) for running out of Edict in phase 3. It's really tight for me to boost, blink, and Ice block.
You don't have a lock portal? What does anyone else do if they get it? Most other classes don't have big speed bursts and blink.

And we do, but I get the feeling that it's more efficient for me to do what I do (as a mage) than do that. I could be wrong.
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Re: Ways to Max Efficiency on Mythic Tyrant

Unread postby Curnivore Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:41 pm

The portal is the most efficient way, if it's done properly, though it's not easy to be done properly. I didn't think of blazing speed. It probably does make it doable without hits, though it loses dps, and it's not always required to not hit them on the first tick.

Wait, I can't think of a way that blazing speed would avoid hitting them. What is the point?

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