What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

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What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

Unread postby Sheph Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:03 pm

I find it really hard getting good DPS on trash and dungeons where my raid outgear it, ramping up for the first hot stream by fireball into fireblast can take a while because I'm only at ~30% crit. Often several mobs are dead by the time I can land my first Flamestrike. How do you play fire efficiently on trash, do you double-pop Fireblast for a quick Flamestrike combined with a rune of power or?

Generally my AOE is pretty weak, most of the time my ramp up time is just too slow getting those hot streaks up. I try to follow the Icy Veins DPS guide (where you basically just replace pyroblast with flamestrike on AOE).

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Re: What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

Unread postby Kver Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:25 pm

You can game trash dps but if everything just melts before you can even land a cast I'm not sure it's worth the effort to be frank. Is there any specific reason you're asking this?

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Re: What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

Unread postby Sheph Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:55 pm

That's true but coming from a hunter used to be at the top I just mentally don't feel like I'm pulling my weight :P

Other than that, I find AOE with fire to be a bit hard to burst with (at least at lower crit levels, not sure if this improves) especially lacking the class trinket.
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Re: What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

Unread postby Grumpdogg Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:05 am

Chuck on PoF + Class Trinket and tell your tanks to pull the room (Kormrok :D).

Rune of Power, 2 x Fireblast, Flamestrike, Flame On, 2 x Fireblast, Flamestrike. Cinderstorm when you get a Mark of Doom proc.

Iceblock when you pull threat.

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Re: What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

Unread postby Gidon Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:04 am

I'm no pro. I'm pretty new to WoD. Started playing WoW over two months ago.

In mythic 5man dungeons
Easy Trash mobs,
For a fast pulling group I'll start off with fast spells. I don't use runes of power if they are burning mobs fast because it takes away from DPS. Fire Blast twice, Pyro, Flame out for the reset, Fire blast twice, Pyro, then i resort to fire ball. and Fire blast when its up. By this time we have eaten through a few mobs, easy or tougher. TIP, fireball the mob that has the most HP maybe that the tank doesn't have agro on or one rogue or hunter pet is on him because you can get the spell off, when other resorts are lost. If the group pulls fast but doesn't burn through mobs fast, no uber dps, then definately use runes of power before attacking. But dps could be lower still depending upon the mobs combination and how many are being pulled.

Tougher trash mobs, I can pull off a fireball most of the time. If waiting for CDs Fireball is okay on these mobs but for more dps I still use the rotation mentioned above and I start with fireblast. Definately start off with runes of power for these mobs especially if your not starting with fireball.

Raids, (my experience only goes a little further then LFR and Normal WoD raids but only talking about those situations)
Easy mobs, most of the time can't get a fireball off so i start with Fireblast and follow the easy trash mobs rotation I do in 5man dungeons. Also i always try and get runes of power on trash if the group is big enough and tough enough.

Tougher Trash mobs, especially if there are two or more tougher trash mobs I'll get off lots of fireballs so the rotation kind of weakens here and DPS kind of sucks because I'm not poping combustion or other things. Definately start out runes of power.

Currently my crit is low. but still my dps sucks on trash mobs and I think it is okay to have low dps on trash mobs compared to the actual dungeon boss or raid boss. There you really gotta shine.

Last thing, I'm strictly raid specced. Flame strike instead of pyro seems very environmentally specific and only seems like a good choice instead of pyro if mobs, at least three, are clustered together near the tank. Honestly, i should use flame strike more often but i haven't even in situations it might be better then pyro.
Iceblock when you pull threat.
I haven't really played Frost mage, and I should get used to playing one. But to lose threat I'd go with invis first. Ice block only when I'm going to die to mobs.
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Re: What should I do in dungeons / trash you outgear?

Unread postby Gidon Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:36 pm

What rotation does everyone else do with Fire on Trash mobs?

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