Too much crit?

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Too much crit?

Unread postby Jhesian Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:52 pm

Moderator note: moved to Q&A.

I am sitting at 59% crit at the moment and i had to sacrifice ilvl+ haste/versatility for it.
I feel like my dps actually dropped for some reason. is it the ilvl only making impact here? 847 vs 842
Are there diminishing returns at 50-55% crit?
should i drop some crit to up haste/versatility more?
Haste wise i am at 2200 above the 1800 requirement in the guide but it FEELS slow casting fireballs at 1.9 seconds
it was much faster/smoother at 1.7 and also my fireblast cooldown was at 10 seconds or under now it is at 11.x
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Re: Too much crit?

Unread postby Hachiun Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:58 pm

I wouldnt drop 5ilvls (overall) for more crit. There is no such thing as too much crit tho, the more the merrier.

The thing is that droping 5ilvls youre probably losing a ton of int that is quite valuable, and youre probably gaining less crit then youre losing haste and vers combined (I assume).

The only way to know for sure is to sim your character, that way youll be able to see your own stat weights and compare piece by piece what you should and should not trade.
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Re: Too much crit?

Unread postby Xinder Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:00 pm

People ask a lot about a crit cap. There is a soft crit cap, but it is very high.


Around 87%+/- a few % for error. 10k crit is the 0 here.
From this thread: ... t=160#wrap" target="_blank
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Re: Too much crit?

Unread postby Jhesian Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:17 pm

People ask a lot about a crit cap. There is a soft crit cap, but it is very high.


Around 87%+/- a few % for error. 10k crit is the 0 here.
From this thread: ... t=160#wrap" target="_blank
I have 11 9xx crit almost 12 k crit .
Are you saying 10k is the sweet spot and i am 2000 crit over?
sorry not understanding your graph clearly
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Re: Too much crit?

Unread postby Foxmikelima Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:55 pm

People ask a lot about a crit cap. There is a soft crit cap, but it is very high.


Around 87%+/- a few % for error. 10k crit is the 0 here.
From this thread: ... t=160#wrap" target="_blank
I have 11 9xx crit almost 12 k crit .
Are you saying 10k is the sweet spot and i am 2000 crit over?
sorry not understanding your graph clearly
This graph shows the value of crit versus int per stat delta. All it shows is that about 10,000 int/rating, int continues to provide a linear damage increase while crit starts to provide diminishing returns.

This doesn't compare crits value against the other secondary stats, but is useful when making decisions to go down ilvl and lose int to gain crit.
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Re: Too much crit?

Unread postby Svolifar Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:56 pm

The 0k part of the graph is 10k rating. So crit starts to become less important than intellect at around 20k rating.

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