Arcane Stat Weight Question

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Arcane Stat Weight Question

Unread postby Jaliov Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:46 am

Mod edit: Moved this to Q&A
Hey guys, first post around here, wanted to thank everyone contributing for the very interesting thoughts and theorycrafting.

I got a question of my own. Here's my armory link, currently sitting at the following stats using the regular OP build (just switching to resonance for M+) :


Simcraft give me the following scaling : Int > SP > Vers ~= Haste ~= Crit > Mastery with the following weights :

Intellect=11.05, SpellPower=10.55, CritRating=8.53, HasteRating=8.82, MasteryRating=7.30, Versatility=9.00

Since 7.1.5, haste has remained my most important stat according to sims, and vers only kicked up because I switched my 865 oakheart (+vers) for the 880 shock baton I dropped today (+crit).
I've bumped haste quite a bit since the patch (showing almost 20% atm), lowering my mastery (which is, also, almost at 20% atm, was 40% in 7.1), but as you can see it's still a lot higher than mastery according to the sims.

I'm quite surprised haste is simming so much higher than mastery and, if I follow these weights, I might end up at 15% mastery or even lower, which feels kinda weird, if not wrong. Are you guys experiencing the same phenomenon ? I'm guessing cord + kilt has something to do with it, since I'm having 0 mana issues atm after getting used to the new rotation, but I'd have thought mastery - with the dmg bonus to AC and the somewhat longer burn phases - would have retained some more weight.
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Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:32 pm

Re: [7.1.5] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legend

Unread postby jimmyo Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:06 am

The best way to gear mastery, especially with the kilt is to go as low as you can go while still feeling comfortable between your evocations. Mastery provides very little in terms of damage per mastery point. 8000 points in mastery is only like 17% damage, where-as 8000 crit points is nearly 20% crit. As such, it's really just about the maximum mana and mana regeneration. If you're good on mana, then mastery is bad. There's no magic number, just gear enough mastery that you are comfortable and the kilt should decrease how much mastery you need.

As for haste, you're playing RoP, which means it's likely you're near a haste value that lets you squeeze an extra Arcane Blast into your RoP + AP phase. I found that my haste scale factor was high between 14-15%, but plummeted the moment I hit 16%. You're at 19% and it wouldn't surprise me if something funny is happening around 20-21% (especially if you have +duration to Arcane Power relics in). I highly suggest you run a haste v. vers reforge plot in simcraft to see if there's a breakpoint you can gem into.

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