Hi guys, I was recently lucky enough to obtain the bracers+belt combo. I feel like i'm not opening correctly and am not using meteor correctly.
I asked xyronic on his stream what the opener should be and he gave me a very brief answer saying basically FB until you get a Hot Streak proc --> FB (munching the HS proc as I was spamming FB's) --> Mirror Images --> Meteor --> Combust --> opener. The on pull RNG can get pretty bad with ~57% crit so I'm not sure if mages like Rinoa or Frosted would play this way. Also would using meteor mid combustion to have 5 stacks of PI be more beneficial?
Onto the next question, running Meteor I get one in combustion#1, one following this while Combust is on CD, and one that comes off cooldown with ~30 seconds of combustion CD left. Is it a dps increase to wait to use this meteor within the combustion window, or should I just use it then and have my next meteor available ~30s sooner?
Finally, with Koralons I seem to munch so many procs when I have HU: Scorch --> Fire Blast --> Pyroblast. I assume this is incorrect and you just want to spam scorch and use your PF's and fireblasts as instant casts to get instant pyros?
Hopefully someone could answer me as the questions are quite heavy. Thank you very much in advance.
7.1.5 MI/Meteor Opener + Meteor Question + Koralons Question
- Spookytooth
- Posts: 28
- Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2016 7:52 am
Re: 7.1.5 MI/Meteor Opener + Meteor Question + Koralons Ques
Hey I also have bracer/belt and have been playing meteor. I've been struggling to find the 'right' way to play myself. I think starting meteor then hitting combust before it lands is giving better results. Especially as meteor can be clunky to place on bosses like Helya or if u get hit by a mechanic (make sure u have the new 1 button no click macro) causing that extra second to be lost during combustion which is surely very bad.
As for the belt it's really easy to get it perfect now it's guaranteed crit >>scorch scorch pyro. If pyro doesn't crit u can hit fire blast while scorch casts or phoenix flames just after scorch cast to create a guaranteed pyro.
Two questions I'm still struggling with are is it better to ignore fireblast and phoenix flames altogether during this 'execute' and just scorch scorch pyro (seems no is likely answer) and since I have bracers should I be stopping 'rotation' to hardcast pyro or just ignore the procs altogether (seems to be about equal which makes me wonder if bracers shouldn't be worn with belt as they combo badly?). I now go entire fights without useable bracer procs if I play this way.
As for the belt it's really easy to get it perfect now it's guaranteed crit >>scorch scorch pyro. If pyro doesn't crit u can hit fire blast while scorch casts or phoenix flames just after scorch cast to create a guaranteed pyro.
Two questions I'm still struggling with are is it better to ignore fireblast and phoenix flames altogether during this 'execute' and just scorch scorch pyro (seems no is likely answer) and since I have bracers should I be stopping 'rotation' to hardcast pyro or just ignore the procs altogether (seems to be about equal which makes me wonder if bracers shouldn't be worn with belt as they combo badly?). I now go entire fights without useable bracer procs if I play this way.
Re: 7.1.5 MI/Meteor Opener + Meteor Question + Koralons Ques
I assume that since PF is instant and deals more damage than a scorch during execute you'd definitely use that, along with using Fireblast to secure crits after pyro doesn't crit as you said.
Regarding bracers during execute phase, my scorch does ~ 350k during execute and pyro (if crit) does 2.0-2.5m or so. I have been stopping the rotation to hardcast but looking at the numbers I feel like thats also something that can be debated. Hopefully someone can help us answer these questions
Regarding bracers during execute phase, my scorch does ~ 350k during execute and pyro (if crit) does 2.0-2.5m or so. I have been stopping the rotation to hardcast but looking at the numbers I feel like thats also something that can be debated. Hopefully someone can help us answer these questions
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