Arcane stat weights made by simcraft - a bit weird:?

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Arcane stat weights made by simcraft - a bit weird:?

Unread postby Dantalian Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:22 pm

Hey. Yes I registered just to ask a question since it's hard to find clear anwser somewhere else. I' simming my mage after almost every item change, always on newest simcraft apps etc. It was simming ok-ish up to some point but then I get kilt and simcraft went crazy. It happend long time ago but I was like "Meeeeh, lets just go for what simcraft says". Doing so I lost somewhere like 20k dps. But as I said it was back in 7.1 early 7.1. I wstarted to ignore simcraft for a while but then 7.1.5 hit and I'm in the same place again.

Sim made a few minutes ago:
( Pawn: v1: "Fiery": Intellect=11.41, CritRating=9.35, HasteRating=9.87, MasteryRating=4.82, Versatility=9.38 ) ... ery/simple

It seems so weird because I have roughly 30% mastery [I had over 45% but then I had only 6% haste] and over 20% haste atm. I honestly dunno what to think about it and I'm really scared to change gear the way simcraft says cuz I can lose dps again even thou in theory I shouldn't.

So yeah I would apprecaite some help from more experianced mages cuz it's only my alt and as far as I enjoy Arcane Mages a lot I'm a typical melee player.

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