887 Arcane Mage suggestions!

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887 Arcane Mage suggestions!

Unread postby noodlesjr Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:35 am

Mod Edit: Move to Q&A/Help


I have run some sims on simcraft and finally decided to get some outside advice. With this current talent setup and My stats/Legendaries... What would be my ideal setup?

I have the following 940 Legendaries:
Helm (spiral)
Bracers (Rhonins)

What are your suggestions for legendaries paired with talents??

Thanks for the advice
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Re: 887 Arcane Mage suggestions!

Unread postby loonatiq Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:20 am


Please check all the important threads as your question about legendaries is already answered in main topic - I attach frosted graphic.

At your place I would aim to get CoS neck + chronoshard or guldan trinket to get some haste procs as they significantly increase dps and the way class plays. Also you might want to consider running Gravity Spiral with NH 4 set piece bonus in place of kilt as they play really good together. I'd also drop mastery to around 30% increasing haste to ~19/20% crit around 30% and couple % in versatility should be optimal for your legendaries.

As for talents if you track warcraft logs from NH kills by top arcane mages - nobody is running temporal flux as OP is just way better.

Since you didn't include any logs or data can't help with other matters than gear or talents.
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Re: 887 Arcane Mage suggestions!

Unread postby Jaliov Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:41 pm

Hmm except the Gravity Spiral real boon is still under discussion. Myself, going from Kilt/Cord to Kilt/Spiral I've seen a huge boost in dps, be it on dummy or in actual raiding environment.

I definitely think - contrarily to what the chart shows - that Spiral is always a dps improvement over Cord for example, but it's real extent seems very much tied to the rest of your setup (ie. I have whispers, and maximizing the chances I'll be able to burn as much as possible during the proc, then evo to full mana, seems to be a big plus in my experience).

I think that at this point, regarding Gravity Spiral, your best bet is to actually try it on raid dummy, and see for yourself if using it nets you an improvement. It definitely did for me (I'm talking about several tens of thousand more, likely around 30k dps, stacked with more flexibility, and I don't have the 4P yet).

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