Aegwynn's wrath vs fury relic

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Aegwynn's wrath vs fury relic

Unread postby ChuckFinley Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:17 am

Mod Edit: Moved to Q&A/Help

Hello all,

Was wondering if anyone had any real-realm experiences with Aegwynn's wrath vs fury. I currently have an ilvl 900 frost relic equipped with wrath (+ 5% Crit; capping at 26%) but have been thinking of replacing it with a lower ilvl 885 Fury (increased arcane missile damage by 8%). Looking at the sims in the 7.2 arcane talents, stats, etc sticky they appear fairly close BUT I'm also utilizing the T19 2P bonus for more Arcane Missiles and have an Ethereal sensitivity relic equipped as well (+5% increased chance to activate AM)

I'd really like to try Fury but am reluctant to go down 15 ilvl's. I wish you could just swap them out without destroying them!

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Aegwynn's wrath vs fury relic

Unread postby Dantalian Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:31 am

Nah. Don't switch it. It is not worth it. What I mean by that is Aluneth relies also on ilvl heavly. 15 ilvl difference is like 5 ilvls of weapon so it's quite a lot of a difference [in my case it would be about 800 int + some minority of secondary stats].
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Re: Aegwynn's wrath vs fury relic

Unread postby seoh Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:48 am

He's correct, the 900 will be better. In the future, you can use this link to sim relics. It helps to make decisions relative to your own gear etc.
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Re: Aegwynn's wrath vs fury relic

Unread postby Zulandia Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:52 am

As other posters have indicated I almost guarantee it is not worth using that said I strongly suggest you sim it yourself to confirm for your specific character. Following the above guides section on relics is definitely a good start to doing it yourself however as bonus IDs are notoriously annoying to deal with (relic_id) I would suggest simply removing the relic_id portion of the weapon string and instead use relic_ilevel=x/y/z in place of it (where each is the ilvl of the relic in that slot from left to right). The gem_id should be set as described in the guide
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Re: Aegwynn's wrath vs fury relic

Unread postby ChuckFinley Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:34 am

Awesome, thank you all for the info / feedback!

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