Arcane with sentinel mediallion

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Arcane with sentinel mediallion

Unread postby Vorrum Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:06 pm

Pretty sure it's been asked before but as arcane do I delay my arcane power to use with the medallion trinket? Does the trinket get the extra dmg?
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Re: Arcane with sentinel mediallion

Unread postby juanderboy Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:24 pm

This is a copy-paste from a pinned post in discord (originally posted by @feefhy):
Saw a lot of questions about the proper owl usage, so I will try to answer those in an understandable way :(
So the thing with Arcane is that you want to stack most of your CDs together.
Since our most important CD is AP(OP) because of the +60%dmg (and mana also), we tend to try managing everything around the AP CD.
So, back to the owl , the CD is 2min, so you can't sync it properly with AP (1min30) and you have to make some choices (the usual question being "Should I always sync it with AP or should I use it on CD ?"). Well the truth is : the decision is pretty easy to take if you know the fight better since this decision depends purely on fight length !

Let me explain by taking various examples of fights with different lengths:

-If the fight length is from 0:00 to 1:59; you'll be able to cast 2xAP and 1 owl; so owl should be used with 1rst AP on pull.

-If the fight length is from 2:00 to 3:00; you'll be able to cast 2xAP and 2 owl; so owl should be used with 1rst AP on pull and once again, at least 20sec before the boss dies, if possible during others +%dmg CDs (RoP, T20 PoM)

-If the fight length is from 3:00 to 4:00; you'll be able to cast 3xAP and 2 owl; so owl should be used with 1rst AP on pull and once again with the AP at 3:00 (or 20sec before boss dies).

-If the fight length is from 4:00 to 4:30; you'll be able to cast 3xAP and 3 owl; so owl should be used with 1rst AP on pull, once again around 2:00 and again around 4:00 (try to always sync it with RoP and T20 PoM i if possible).

I could go forever with this, but I'll stop here since I think the idea is pretty clear:

You should sync owl with AP (and as many +%dmg CDs) as long as it doesn't reduce the number of owl uses !
It becomes a bit harder to estimate when there's different damage modifiers in the fight but you can follow this rule 90% of the time.
The rest is up to you and your knowledge about fights and their usual duration.

Sorry about the long post, but since I saw this question coming up every day, I thought I had to make a proper "owl for dummies" post.

If somebody notice some mistakes made here, feel free to tell me since it's pure theory (haven't been able to test it out myself yet on live).

Have fun and Hoot Hoot owl"

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