10 man H Sha of Pride help

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10 man H Sha of Pride help

Unread postby Anaxagora Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:06 am

My guild is just starting heroic progression, and we've been having more trouble with Sha (We have the first three down). I feel like I could be personally doing a lot more dps, but I'm not sure how I can do that. I'm trying to get good LB snapshots up on Sha, but it may just be all the running around to rifts and avoiding bad spots on the ground and such that's doing me in. Any help is appreciated.

Also, I love playing frost, but I get the feeling that fire does a lot more dps on this fight. Is there any truth to that at all? Or possibly my stat priorities/haste breakpoint/etc are just wrong.

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Re: 10 man H Sha of Pride help

Unread postby Soggs Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:59 am

Judging from your overall try times. It seems that overall fight execution of your group is your main up hold. In particular your group seems to have problems with banishment and mark of arrogance. Fixing this will probably bring you further than worrying about your dps.

On your dps though:
- 76 FFB casts vs 137 BF procs across all fights; you are missing out on good damage, especially since it is instant and you miss out on damage on the move.
- Living Bomb uptime could be higher, your last try was around 90% overall it was 72%. Again good damage while moving.
- Ice Lance use seems almost perfect. 111 FoF procs vs 121 casts and of those 121 only one is a low normal hit. So I assume the additional ten are in combo with Deep Freeze
- Invokers energy uptime is actually hard to tell the log says ~79% uptime but the valor buff also has only ~81% uptime. Overall your Invokers Energy uptime see to match your tries. So you should be ok on that.
Shoot me a pm if you want me to elaborate on my crazy thoughts. I sometimes lose track of what I actually meant to say.

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Re: 10 man H Sha of Pride help

Unread postby Anaxagora Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:13 am

Yeah, I usually Deep Freeze the add in the back when he spawns and just spam IL. I guess I need to pay more attention to my BF procs though haha. Especially considering how good the 2-piece bonus is
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Re: 10 man H Sha of Pride help

Unread postby Anaxagora Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:17 am

Reading your reply again, I guess my question is this: Considering my gear/ilevel, am I doing a reasonable amount of dps on this fight?
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Re: 10 man H Sha of Pride help

Unread postby Soggs Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:51 am

You have easy room for more dps if you use your BF better. You miss out on a lot buffs from 2pc too because of that. But that you have seen that yourself.

Otherwise it is hard to tell. There is no magic function that tells with that ilvl you should do that much dps on that encounter. You have short try times so far so opener burst is maybe missleading, RNG on KTT could skew data, movement, banish etc.

You could also do horrible on this fight with amazing dps by ignoring adds, not moving out of the AoE and not collecting rifts. Baseline dps of the group looks like you should make the enrage, the rest is not dying.
Shoot me a pm if you want me to elaborate on my crazy thoughts. I sometimes lose track of what I actually meant to say.

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