Arcane Rotation question
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:08 am
Hey ppl! i have a very particular question about arcane rotation.
Do you guys try to stock as many arcane missiles during the entire fight or use em as soon as they proc? This is what i mean:
lets imagine we got 2 procs of AM after burn phase while building 4 arcane charges:
After burn phase (After evo) do you guys do 4 AB (90% mana) > 1 missile > (97% mana) > AB ( 88% mana) > last missile >( 93% mana) > AB > Abarr to clear charges?
Do you guys hold as many arcane missiles as possible, removing arcane charges more often with ABarr and using some missile procs to build arcane charges? : Example:
Again after burn phase and evo and only 2 arcane missile proc: 4 AB (90% mana) > Abarr (reseting charges, still holding 2 AM proc) > AB > AB (3rd missile proc) > AM (3 charges and 2 AM procs up) > AB (93ish? ) > AB (still 2 missiles and back at 80 something % ) > Abarr and reset, and use AM to build back Arcane charges only if they cap at 3?
I know its a difficult question, but its bugging me out if i should spend arcane missiles even if im not "capping" them
Do you guys try to stock as many arcane missiles during the entire fight or use em as soon as they proc? This is what i mean:
lets imagine we got 2 procs of AM after burn phase while building 4 arcane charges:
After burn phase (After evo) do you guys do 4 AB (90% mana) > 1 missile > (97% mana) > AB ( 88% mana) > last missile >( 93% mana) > AB > Abarr to clear charges?
Do you guys hold as many arcane missiles as possible, removing arcane charges more often with ABarr and using some missile procs to build arcane charges? : Example:
Again after burn phase and evo and only 2 arcane missile proc: 4 AB (90% mana) > Abarr (reseting charges, still holding 2 AM proc) > AB > AB (3rd missile proc) > AM (3 charges and 2 AM procs up) > AB (93ish? ) > AB (still 2 missiles and back at 80 something % ) > Abarr and reset, and use AM to build back Arcane charges only if they cap at 3?
I know its a difficult question, but its bugging me out if i should spend arcane missiles even if im not "capping" them