Arcane - good scenarios and encounters for Overpowered?

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Arcane - good scenarios and encounters for Overpowered?

Unread postby Breaktheice Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:56 pm

Hi there,

Still getting used to Arcane and trying to figure things out in general. My question for this topic is simple: when do you opt for Overpowered? Like, is there a decision making process that would put it ahead of your other options? Or certain trinkets that favor it?

I see almost every Arcane mage (on logs) opting for just PC on ST and Arcane Orb on everything else. It seems like this talent is getting no love as far as selection goes. Are there any encounters in HFC you'd recommend it for? Thanks.
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Re: Arcane - good scenarios and encounters for Overpowered?

Unread postby BynoPyny Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:28 am

OP is pretty good on kormrok because crystal placements can be iffy when the boss jumps and generally moves about a lot. It's also good on Kilrogg, if you're not doing the visions. You are free to switch to blood globules and bloodthirsters as much as you want during your burn, instead of being locked to the crystal for 12 seconds or losing dps potential from the talent.

Basically you use OP when you would use PC otherwise but there is an encounter specific limitation
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Re: Arcane - good scenarios and encounters for Overpowered?

Unread postby Rinoa Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:31 am

Personally I run Overpowered on Kromrok, Mannoroth, Kilrogg and Socrethar. Have tried it and think it's quite decent on fights like Gorefiend also. Tome of Shifting Words + Prophecy of Fear always!

On Kromrok it's just being able to burst right from the start and not have to either hold PC a bit or pray to Jesus that it hits the boss while he's in the first pool. Mannoroth is a fight where I don't think PC feels that good, and Overpowered lets you target switch freely during AP which is a huge boon. PC is fine on Socrethar, but I am lazy and don't want to try to estimate where to place PC so it doesn't hit both the Dominator and Socrethar himself when he is immune.

Essentially fights where you'd optimally want to run PC, but it's not always 100% reliable - and I do mean 100% here - and/or requires frequent target switching.

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Re: Arcane - good scenarios and encounters for Overpowered?

Unread postby Breaktheice Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:31 am

Have tried it and think it's quite decent on fights like Gorefiend also. Tome of Shifting Words + Prophecy of Fear always!
Out of curiosity, does this work? As someone who is relatively "new" to Arcane (since I play Frost so extensively), I'm still relatively uneasy with Arcane Orb use. I tend to mess up quite a bit with it. We're currently progressing mythic Gorfiend, and while I am still unsure on my spec on this fight (Frost or Arcane), I'd be happier trying Arcane if I could just OP on this fight.
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Re: Arcane - good scenarios and encounters for Overpowered?

Unread postby Rinoa Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:26 am

There is a mistake in my post. I don't use PoF on Gorefiend since the explosion has a huge range when the main target is Gorefiend himself, resulting in very unpredictable damage on the images which players leave behind when they go inside.

I think for progress on Gorefiend, SN/AO is the optimal choice. It's very rare that raids don't have enough boss damage to kill him in 3 full Feast of Soul phases, and as such the fight becomes an add control fight. Arcane Orb and Supernova are particularly useful here as Supernova is excellent for high burst damage on priority adds (Essences!), and you can use Arcane Orb on the images that people leave behind to hit many targets at a time. The latter means that AO has much more value than it does on just a single target fight.

Overpowered with Tome is just for overall dps - which basically means more boss damage during Feast of Souls. PC also serves the same purpose.

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