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Logs and opener

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:00 pm
by macca ... m/advanced" target="_blank ... H9#fight=2" target="_blank

Hello folks, i have come to you with cap in hand looking for wisdom and knowledge, i have recently joined a raiding guild after a break and would like some advice on improving my play and dps, another thing that is troubling me is my opener, im not sure if im doing it 100% correctly, :? i start by:

2,Frost bolt / waterjet
3,wait for trinket procs, dump BF and FoF, then IV
4, 2nd Intellect potion and FO
5, dump BF and FoF, follow rotaion.

I also seem to lose a lot of dps due to movement in fights, any advice here would be great, thanks people in advance.

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:06 pm
by poorprae
Disclaimer: I'm by no means an expert on playing a frost mage.

For comparison, here's my mage and a HFC log. ... &source=19" target="_blank ... ircle/prae" target="_blank

That being said, glancing over your logs, it looks like you're doing it right. But I have the T18 trinket and the T18 4PC set, so this is a bit apples and oranges.

If I had to nitpick, I would look at some things you could do to improve efficiency. On Council, your casting up-time is 94.39% (CAST -> TABLES) when everyone else has 99%>. This means you're losing about 13.65 seconds worth of DPS time. I like to use Council because we really don't need to move until we keep getting the Reap debuff.

1. If you have the Reap debuff, are you double-blinking to get back to DPS'ing faster? (This is what I do. It may be faster/more efficient to use Blazing Speed, but I like to double Blink.)

2. When a Horror's path crosses your spot, do you Evanesce? (Again, what I do in order to prevent me from having to move.)

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:34 pm
by macca
I think your quite right pointing out the drop in casting time of my spells compared to others in the raid, this is something im definitely going to look into before the next raid, i did suspect this but its good to have some one else confirm it, what do you think about my opener?, is there an better way of doing it??.

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:19 pm
by poorprae
#1 and #2 look fine.

#3. I wasn't aware we waited for a trinket proc to begin dumping our procs. (I have the T4 + trinket bonus, so my rotation is different than yours.) Also, I thought we did IV off-the-bat........ ?

#4. I use 2nd int. pot on heroism.

#5. In your case, I *think* that's correct. Just make you're dumping in a sequence that prevents clipping of your procs.

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:31 pm
by macca
One more thing, i now have the 4 piece which now extends my water jet by 10 seconds, im not sure if im using it correctly?, this is what im doing now:

1, cast frost bolt
2, cast water jet
3, keep casting frostbolt until i have 3 FoF (and 99% of the time i have 2 BF)
4, Dump all my FoF and BF

why im wondering if this is correct is because while im building up my FoF and BF and then dumping them, is my pet is still casting waterjet, or has finished casting, and i feel like im missing something?.

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:51 am
by Raikoh

Here you have a nice picture how to use waterjet w/o class trinket but with 4set. Its from breaktheice's frost mage guide.

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:47 am
by Zelendria
1. Do your prepot cast.
2. Just before your FB is cast start WJ
3. If you had class trinket you would build to 3xFoF then hit IV and lanceweave using FFB whenever you cap 2xBF.
Don't use your BF and FoF procs on the opener until you've put IV up otherwise you're losing loads of DPS.
Without it still build up some procs ready for IV especially if you took TV to extend it.
4. If you were lanceweaving you would still be sat around 3xFoF when WJ runs out just in time to throw FO. And by the time FO runs out WJ is back again.
Don't use 2nd pot with FO save it for your next IV in 3m, or if you're going to get 3rd cast use it on that one as it will line up with ring use.

As for advice on movement. Because you don't have class trinket movement should be very easy. You can hold procs and just blow one after another.
However, I'd start practising using Ice Floes as much as possible because you can't throw away FoF charges once you have class trinket.
Little tip: Don't use Ice Floes and then use a BF proc as it'll wipe the IF charge despite that particular FFB being instant cast.

Re: Logs and opener

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:49 pm
by macca
Cheers guys you have all been a great help and the advice is superb, i have changed my style of play and i have noticed a improvement, cheers :)