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Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:19 am
by Shnuggles
So... I'm a bit of a min/maxer.. and like to play the spec that pushes the most DPS, regardless of what I like to play the most.. so I switched to Frost because damn near everybody I've talked to says Frost > Arcane.

BUT, I did some flip flopping of the two specs for SoO, and it feels like to me that I do more DPS as Arcane (keep in mind, I practiced the Frost rotation constantly until I had it down pat with little to no mistakes) so it's not because I'm doing the Arcane rotation better than I am the Frost rotation, I know that much.

So in terms of highest DPS out-put, which spec is best?
Because I've ALSO heard, that Frost scales very terribly with gear, thus making Arcane better, but I've heard that only from a couple people, in terms of the massive amounts of people I've heard say Frost is better.

All in all, I'm just lost, need help choosing a solid spec to stay because I'm tired of respeccing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. >_<

Also, my armory is here. ... a/advanced" target="_blank
(I'm missing the Minor Glyph of Mirror Images for Arcane, I know, I keep forgetting to buy it >_<)

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:59 am
by Magictheo

Atm frost will make more dps, but when you feel better with arcane, play it und normaly you should make more dps than with frost.

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:47 pm
by Ghanjo
Atm frost will make more dps, but when you feel better with arcane, play it und normaly you should make more dps than with frost.
Is this true? I thought they are pretty well balanced, and the "top" spec changes from fight to fight in SoO, based on the tactics you use.

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:39 pm
by Soggs
You will do the most dps with the spec you are most comfortable with. Specs are so close right now, that player skill overshadows most spec differences. Multidotting and padding favors Fire and Arcane to a certain extent but any spec is competitive if you go for progress.

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:42 pm
by Dutchmagoz
Play the spec you're most comfortable with and enjoy the most. The specs are all within 5% of eachother, and discussing which spec is "best" is simply a pointless discussion. Simc ATM dictates fire is about 0.5% above arcane and arcane 1% above frost on purely single target dummy fights, however there's not a single fight where this matters.

Some specs are better/worse for a certain fight. Overall all specs are very close though until 585+ ilvl.

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:47 pm
by Mumrit
Thread moved to the proper section :)

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:59 pm
by Garrod
As already stated, all 3 specs perform quite well at the moment so play what you're more comfortable/better with. My guild runs with a Mage of each spec, and we're all pretty close DPS wise, with certain fights being more beneficial to certain specs(Fire on H Protectors and H Shamans OM NOM NOM).

Re: Need help on which spec to play in terms of DPS.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:58 pm
by Shnuggles
Alright, thank you guys :)