I'm looking for some opinions of other Frost Mages on Water Jet. You'd never use it on a Hellfire Deathcaller or a Felborne Overfiend correct? Its ideally best used on Archimonde only to build FoF procs right?
Just wondering a good way to help handle adds at the same time that Water Jet needs to be used and FoF procs need to be accrued.
Do people try to cast Frostbolt on Archimonde and quickly target the add of choice and cast their weaved Ice Lance onto the add and then quickly switch back to Archimonde for the next Frost Bolt?
Is it better to try to save Frozen Orb once you get to Phase 2 for when the adds come out and try to single target the Overfiend or the Deathcaller mainly and depend on Frozen Orb and Ice Nova for FoF procs?
I'm being instructed to target switch quite a lot and I'm having trouble with this and keeping my Water Jet use efficient. Just wondering what other people are doing.
Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
What I've done to deal with water jet, is to simply make a mouseover macro for ice lance and frostfire bolt. With this you can fire your frostbolts at archimonde and have all your procs go off on your priority targets without having to constantly switch targets.
Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
Recommend focus cast of frostbolt + Waterjet. Mouseover is mostly a mess. Target your kill priority and use FoF and BFF on it.
/cast [@focus,harm] frostbolt; frostbolt
cast on focus if it exsists and it is harmful, otherwise on target.
/cast [@focus,harm] frostbolt; frostbolt
cast on focus if it exsists and it is harmful, otherwise on target.
- Wilderness
- Posts: 544
- Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:38 pm
Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
We didn't usually have to switch targets in P1 or P2 besides the doomfires. Deathcallers would be slowly cleaved down, except for the last one that we'd get close to transition then we'd focus that and finish him off after falling down. If your raid spends too much focus on the deathcallers you may find yourselves behind on Arch damage to transition into P3 at the right time. That's what we found anyway, but we worked through that part of our strat pre-upgrades.
In P1 the 1st doomfire melted so I never switched at all, just had some IL cleave. If I used WJ on the pull and immediately on CD it was up a few seconds before the 2nd doomfire. I'd use it on Arch and get 2-3 procs to burst it down. It would waste some of the cast, but I found that provided the best damage on it. It would come up in the middle of the 3rd doomfire so I'd hold Frozen Orb for that one and just use it on Arch afterwards.
Once we started P3 progress I found it harder to effectively use WJ since you will definitely need to be switching targets often enough. I don't think sending Frostbolts at Arch while using procs on the P3 adds is going to be helpful during progress so just focus the adds as best you can. I ended up switching to Arcane after the upgrades because I found it better for target switching in P3 although our other mage stayed Frost and we both did basically the same damage throughout the fight so they both work fine.
In P1 the 1st doomfire melted so I never switched at all, just had some IL cleave. If I used WJ on the pull and immediately on CD it was up a few seconds before the 2nd doomfire. I'd use it on Arch and get 2-3 procs to burst it down. It would waste some of the cast, but I found that provided the best damage on it. It would come up in the middle of the 3rd doomfire so I'd hold Frozen Orb for that one and just use it on Arch afterwards.
Once we started P3 progress I found it harder to effectively use WJ since you will definitely need to be switching targets often enough. I don't think sending Frostbolts at Arch while using procs on the P3 adds is going to be helpful during progress so just focus the adds as best you can. I ended up switching to Arcane after the upgrades because I found it better for target switching in P3 although our other mage stayed Frost and we both did basically the same damage throughout the fight so they both work fine.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
When I played Frost on Archimonde it was very dependant on how fast your raid killed things. For example, in the beginning I was Water Jeting Deathcallers as they didn't die in ~10 seconds, but after a while that changed. As a general rule of thumb I'd say that if WJ won't run its full duration, just cast it on Archimonde and use your Ice Lances on the priority target instead.
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Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
I really appreciate the insight and the advice.
We're lusting on pull to avoid a third Doomfire. The biggest complaints about my add dps comes from the second Doomfire. The first one melts because of CDs and Bloodlust, but the second one is problematic because of Shadowfel Burst and the timing of Water Jet.
I can't use Water Jet immediately because I might be knocked up during its channel, so I have to wait until the knock-up goes out whether or not I get knocked up. The second Doomfire happens almost immediately after words, so I typically blow both Ice Novas on the Doomfire as soon as it appears and then Water Jet Archimonde, the second Doomfire also dies pretty fast so even if I start weaving immediately instead of building up to 3 FoF charges I'll only get two ice lances on it before it dies.
Two Ice Novas and two Ice Lances on it, puts me on the low end of the totem pole on damage for it and I'm getting criticized just because of that, when I don't realistically see that there's anything else I can do to help kill it any faster than that as Frost.
We're lusting on pull to avoid a third Doomfire. The biggest complaints about my add dps comes from the second Doomfire. The first one melts because of CDs and Bloodlust, but the second one is problematic because of Shadowfel Burst and the timing of Water Jet.
I can't use Water Jet immediately because I might be knocked up during its channel, so I have to wait until the knock-up goes out whether or not I get knocked up. The second Doomfire happens almost immediately after words, so I typically blow both Ice Novas on the Doomfire as soon as it appears and then Water Jet Archimonde, the second Doomfire also dies pretty fast so even if I start weaving immediately instead of building up to 3 FoF charges I'll only get two ice lances on it before it dies.
Two Ice Novas and two Ice Lances on it, puts me on the low end of the totem pole on damage for it and I'm getting criticized just because of that, when I don't realistically see that there's anything else I can do to help kill it any faster than that as Frost.
Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
In all honesty, Mages are not very good for Doomfire damage unless you specifically talent and play entirely around maximising it. If you do that, the rest of the fight you'll do much lower damage than you otherwise would have. You can do things like pooling 2x Ice Nova, a BF proc and 5 icicles for it, but at that point you're entering the realm of other classes should be able to pick up the slack. Warlocks, Hunters etc melt the doomfire with little to no impact on their overall damage. Frost excels at very high boss damage with some incidental but useful cleave.
However, if the guys won't stop, just go Arcane and hold PC until the second Doomfire. Your DPS will be crap, but at least you'll melt it.
However, if the guys won't stop, just go Arcane and hold PC until the second Doomfire. Your DPS will be crap, but at least you'll melt it.
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Re: Water Jet & Mythic Archimonde
Yeah I know.
I was just hoping maybe there was some kind of Frost Mage trick I didn't know because I so rarely play Frost.
I'm kind of in the unfortunate position of having a raid lead that doesn't know anything about mages at all and just sees low as being low, and being low as "bad" without actually understanding why.
I was just hoping maybe there was some kind of Frost Mage trick I didn't know because I so rarely play Frost.
I'm kind of in the unfortunate position of having a raid lead that doesn't know anything about mages at all and just sees low as being low, and being low as "bad" without actually understanding why.
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