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FB IL Weaving
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:28 pm
by Sarager
Moderator note: Moved to Q&A.
Hey guys,
First post so go easy on me!
Apologies if this has already been mentioned, however, I couldn't find anything definitive.
I was just wondering one think. I have the class trinket and wondering about the weaving of FB and IL. My question is this. When I get loads of FoF procs should I just spam IL until they stop generating or should I ensure I always make sure I cast a FB prior to each?
Sorry if thats a really nooby question.
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:23 pm
by Wilderness
You want to weave as much as you can - that said, the only time you are likely to get loads of procs is firing FO into a group of enemies. Personally in those cases I usually try to spam IL a few times to keep up with initial burst of procs and then return to weaving.
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:58 pm
by Raikoh
exactly as wilderness said. In addition to that try to get the maximum out of ur waterjet. That means u need to pool some IL procs with frostbolts, so if waterjet ends u have minimum 3 IL procs up (4 are perfect) and u are able to continue weaving till ur next WJ/FO is ready.
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:51 am
by Sarager
Brilliant guys thanks for the advice!
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:09 pm
by Zelendria
If I know I might cap from the use of FO on a pack of enemies I'll weave down my current FoF procs until I'm at 1xFoF then use FO.
If you're at range you can, haste dependant, squeeze in another FB>IL just before FO gets there so that you start at 0xFoF stacks. You proc the first guaranteed FoF from FO before the GCD finishes from the last weave, and then it's all down to RNG if FO gives you 1,000 or 0 FoF.
That gives you the best chance to not cap IMO as you need at least 5 or 6 procs in a short space of time as you're obviously still weaving them down.
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:01 pm
by Narsha
I too used to space out my frost orb use so I could weave to the max, but seems I get better results using it on cooldown so it lines up with rings and icy veins. I havent simmed it so feelycraft but just prepare for it coming off cooldown and you shouldnt have to waste too many charges.
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:52 pm
by Raikoh
I too used to space out my frost orb use so I could weave to the max, but seems I get better results using it on cooldown so it lines up with rings and icy veins. I havent simmed it so feelycraft but just prepare for it coming off cooldown and you shouldnt have to waste too many charges.
but keep in mind what boss are u fighting. at some bosses (xhul komrok iskar socre...) its more important to keep FO ready for imps or hands or adds on archi and things like this. its better for the raid and I bet if u dont waste too much time not casting FO it does more dps than just keep FO on cooldown.
Re: FB IL Weaving
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:22 pm
by Narsha
I wont object to that, havent worried about things like that in a while due to gear.