Returning mage from TBC. Basic help
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:01 am
Hello there! This is my first time on this website. and this is my first time playing a Mage since The Burning Crusade. so it's been a while. so i am just looking for some basic information that is up to date. I should preface this by saying i currently play a Shadow Priest in my guild that is progressing through Mythic HFC. i wish to get this Mage to a point at which i can use him to progress through mythic as well. This Mage is also a candidate for my main in Legion as well.
My first question is; As a Mage that is starting out what specs should i be playing while getting into normal HFC
Second, I see a lot of Mages going both Fire and Arcane. So at which point should/do i drop Frost for the before mentioned specs. Is going Fire/Arcane tier dependant?
Third, How important is 4 piece? is it mandatory to obtain?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and helping this noob return to his roots.
My first question is; As a Mage that is starting out what specs should i be playing while getting into normal HFC
Second, I see a lot of Mages going both Fire and Arcane. So at which point should/do i drop Frost for the before mentioned specs. Is going Fire/Arcane tier dependant?
Third, How important is 4 piece? is it mandatory to obtain?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and helping this noob return to his roots.