Would it be too much for you to Private message me which mages in particular are suffering from this the most? Active up time, their CD management. I went through the logs and found some issues, but second opinions are always welcome.
Random pull XYZ, looking at the opener:
Kuzzy opener:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/xq ... iew=events" target="_blank
Precast -> Crystal -> AP -> Pom. PoM looks weird here.
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/xq ... iew=events" target="_blank
Crystal before casting -> Casting -> Pom at the end of crystal missplayed it.
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/xq ... iew=events" target="_blank
Crystal before casting. PoM to early, definitly missplayed it.
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/xq ... iew=events" target="_blank
AP before Crystal. Crystal before casting. No PoM on opener
Well, It is definitly nonsense to cast AP before Crystal. When to use crystal on Archimonde is also a tricky question. It comes down to when you do ring. A lot of guys like to precast crystal. Precasting crystal is that strategy which results in a 30:70 chance of sucking without PoF procc. But a "correct" CD usage does not work on archimonde either. And casting PC to late will result in a buggy ring which is even worse. Anyway, my own preference is to Precast AB-> Pom ab -> Crystal. Does it matter? Who cares about boss dps in P1?
PoM is debatable. Not using it sucks. Using it with stopcasting sucks. Using it with / without AP doesnt matter (during this content). The gain of a correct PoM usage is that high that macroing to any spell is definitly the to go option. No seriously, this shit doesnt matter. (Using it with AP is usually the no brainer macro)
For any advanced playstile, this kind of macros allows to use it without having to stopcast, but it is still a little bit delayed. And as already mentioned, I do use it to get as much stacks as possible before using PC on the opener. I usually use it for mana instead of fitting that last AB into crystals duration.
Code: Select all
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Arcane Blast
/cast Presence of Mind
During fight - Cooldown usage.
Code: Select all
(For reasons this one does not work as a link, so you need to copy paste it into your browser. I usually do highlight Nithramus and Arcane Power for every mage)
Well, ring usage is highly debatable. Mage cooldowns are on 90 second CD. A lot of classes have CDs on 3 min. Some do have 2 min cooldowns. You are using your legendary ring roughly 2 minutes and 50 seconds after your last one, no one can really delay cooldowns to it. I don't think you can blame any mage for that ring usage. This just looks really, really weird. I do recommend:
- A) Use it roughly every 2 mins - mages should delay their cooldowns to it
- B) Use it roughly every 3 mins - mages can use 1x Cooldowns on "cooldown" and having CDs up for the next ring usage.
- Keep in mind that you probably still want the ring to go just into the boss
Does it matter? Well yeah, this one would fix dps quite significantly. But does it matter for killing archimonde? No.
(Ring usage on try 32 is actually case B) where all of your mages - except rezzen - used their cooldowns decently)
- Rezzen should fix his AP / Prismatic crystal opener, maybe adjust some macros. Because it looks bad in logs.
- All of your mages could macro PoM to whatever spell they want, but you'll always find a guy that shouts: Look at those mages, they use pom wrong. But even if those guys are right, it does not matter.
- All your mages should ask themself if they want to play that 30:70 gamble on the pull. If the ring is used way to early they probably should play it.
- Learn to ring as a raid - well, you probably did that already
- And focus on things that do matter on archimonde. Don't get me wrong on that: increasing dps is mostly decent, but focusing on WHY you do wipe is probably way better.
P.S. Have to mention that I'm just looking at arcane specc right now. You've here some decent posts about probably running another specc to increase DPS or to handle adds better. Fire and Frost are both viable options, but if your mages played arcane during progression - they probably should stick to it, unless it is necessary. (This also includes talents, I.e. supernova / Um / Arcane orb / pc)