[Fire] Orb of voidsight or not?

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[Fire] Orb of voidsight or not?

Unread postby Blutastic Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:52 am

I have read through a few threads about this subject but never got any clear advices for Fire.

I am using fully upgraded sandmans pouch and heroic insignia from hellfire coincil, and switching out insignia if i use orb of voidsight.

Are these assumptions correct about the 10% damage increase vs demons?
1 - damage going through prismatic crystal is not affected increased (read this on another thread)
2 - since damage on pc itself isnt demon damage the ignite ticking directly on crystal isnt affected by voidsight - none of the dots spread from crystal benefits from the damage buffs - including combustion, ignite and pyroblast dot.

If these are correct i have hard to see voidsight be worth it since damage deom 1 and 2 is a big majority of the damage.
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Re: [Fire] Orb of voidsight or not?

Unread postby Blutastic Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:20 am

i realized i could examine this my self a bit by logs from yesterday. Check if interested:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Rd ... iew=events" target="_blank

I'm Blunatic in there and if you check last attempt on fel lord zakuun i had voidsight buff active through whole prismatic burst.

What i found out was that every hit on the prismatic crystal had a perfectly equal damage component hit the boss from PC just a few hundreds of a second later. This was true for all hits on and from the PC while voidsight was active. In other words - same damage going in to pc also leaves the pc=> no voidsight buff increase.

If i check the same blastwave cast and recalculates the percentages it supports that the hit on the crystal is hit for 260% (2*1,3) while the cleaved hit on boss hits for 110% (1*1,1 - voidsight buff included). All this back up the theory that prismatic damage ignores voidsight

So to summarize - it doesnt really seem worth it to use voidsight as fire since around 40- 50% of our total damage is from burst through prismatic crystal or combustion (plus nithramus explosion)
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Re: [Fire] Orb of voidsight or not?

Unread postby Wilderness Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:59 pm

All this back up the theory that prismatic damage ignores voidsight

So to summarize - it doesnt really seem worth it to use voidsight as fire since around 40- 50% of our total damage is from burst through prismatic crystal or combustion (plus nithramus explosion)
I don't really think its a theory, I think its pretty well known that it doesn't affect damage on PC.

"Worth it" really depends what other options you have. For myself, M DSI is a myth. In my personal sims, on non-demon bosses, Orb was worse than M DSI but better than H DSI or other M trinkets on single-target. On demon bosses it was better than M DSI, again on single-target. The same was true on 2 target cleave. My guild doesn't have fast kill times, so I was looking at 2.5-4 min fights mostly I think. Its been a couple of weeks since I ran them.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
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Re: [Fire] Orb of voidsight or not?

Unread postby Seatoo Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:37 pm

i realized i could examine this my self a bit by logs from yesterday. Check if interested:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Rd ... iew=events" target="_blank

I'm Blunatic in there and if you check last attempt on fel lord zakuun i had voidsight buff active through whole prismatic burst.

What i found out was that every hit on the prismatic crystal had a perfectly equal damage component hit the boss from PC just a few hundreds of a second later. This was true for all hits on and from the PC while voidsight was active. In other words - same damage going in to pc also leaves the pc=> no voidsight buff increase.

If i check the same blastwave cast and recalculates the percentages it supports that the hit on the crystal is hit for 260% (2*1,3) while the cleaved hit on boss hits for 110% (1*1,1 - voidsight buff included). All this back up the theory that prismatic damage ignores voidsight

So to summarize - it doesnt really seem worth it to use voidsight as fire since around 40- 50% of our total damage is from burst through prismatic crystal or combustion (plus nithramus explosion)
I personally value it on PC for the stat boost (crit, mastery and haste) and then the 10% buff for everything after that. I used it for our first M-Fel Lord killlast week, I will try it out again this week and see how it goes.

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