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Knowing when it's okay to switch specs

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:33 pm
by shade0220
Hello all, I have been playing mage for this tier of raiding and have been having fun. Currently my guild does Heroic HFC pretty much full clear every week. I do not believe we will be doing mythics, but once I get geared enough I would love to do them with another group who would need me.

I started out using frost because it was simpler and I had better results with it. Now I feel like I have the gear to do arcane but would need to switch enchants and gems to maximize it. I only have 3 piece but I do have heroic PoF and heroic archi trinket. I know that haste is pretty much the stat to stack once you get the 4 piece, so I'm wondering if I would still be able to pull good dps using haste enchants and gems. Also some fights are just really good for frost and I'm much more comfortable with it as of now. If I switch everything to haste would that matter as much to my dps as frost?

Thanks all for looking, this seems to be more of a mental block than a gear block for me but any advice would help :D ... ojo/simple" target="_blank

Re: Knowing when it's okay to switch specs

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:36 pm
by Curnivore
Going all haste is a good middle ground in order to play both specs at the same raid but it's not always required for Arcane. Frost usually favors multistrike and Arcane favors Mastery some of the time. Arcane often doesn't mind much because the weightings are often very similar between Mastery, Haste, Multistrike and Crit.

To tell you the truth only Fire really cares about secondaries. The other two will have marginal differences. Especially if they avoid versatility.

One can do mistakes, like stacking only 1 stat and not being the best stat but with little care the differences will be very low.

Re: Knowing when it's okay to switch specs

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:46 pm
by Zelendria
Leave your enchants as they are, and actually practise the spec.
The gains to be made from learning the spec are massive in comparison to anything you gain from swapping enchants.
To put it into perspective the Mythic BiS profile drops 200dps changing from all Haste to all Vers...