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DPS issues

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:33 am
by Abumagic
Moderator note: moved to Q&A.

Hello, first I want to thank you because you are taking the time to read this.
Second, I want you to know that english is not my main language. But Ill try my best to explain my problems.

I have recently rerolled to Arcane Mage.

The problem here is that I feel that Im not doing the DPS that I should do.

This is my armory : ... c/advanced" target="_blank
As you can see Im 731-733, while most of my guild is 744+

And here are the logs from yesterday : ... pe=summary" target="_blank
( I forgot to spec IF on Gorefiend , I was using RoP :oops: )


1) Is there any error on my rotation?

2) When Im bursting, how much mana should I use? Is there any limit? or just spam AB and AM till the ring drops?

3) Why is the other mage destroying the crystal? Its because PoF procced on the crystal, its because his ring is 795? or both? lol

4) The ring has a huge impact on my DPS? (ring 753)

5) Should I upgrade the ring before any mythic piece?

6) 795 ring is going to give me that extra DPS that I feel that Im not doing?

Feel free to ask, I would gladly answer your questions ^.^

Thanks for reading this, and thanks in advance. :D

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:20 pm
by comihameha
1. Don't have time to review your logs but check out:" target="_blank
2. With the manny and archi trinket you burn until Arcane power and ring is over, even if you hit 0% mana
3. I doubt he is crushing his crystal unless he went into vision on Kilrog but if he is, more power to him. Don't worry about that
4. Yes. Arcane is has many multipliers (crystal, rune of power, arcane charges, etc). so max ring is absolutely HUGE.
5. Gear over ring. Max your valor out each weak for ring upgrades along with your archi kill
6. In order of largest impact I'd say: RNG > Opener > Ring > Rotation comfort > Casting without moving > Gear

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:46 am
by Abumagic
Thanks for taking the time to answer me, thanks alot! ^.^

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:49 pm
by Zelendria
I went to Zakuun first being about as close to patchwerk as you can get.

1. Yes you over cast in the conserve after the opener, and you take a long time to recover from it. ... &spell=100" target="_blank
If you look at 37s you see 2xAB casts well below the 93% rule that puts you down to nearly 75% mana, and you hover around that or dip below it for a good while until you start to climb back out of it. Being a Belf you could've helped salvage that sooner with your Torrent cast.
2. Use as much mana as needs be while AP and the ring is up. Whether you get near 50% or 0 will depend on RNG
3. The other Mage might have had PoF on PC, and the ring is definitely a contributing factor, but they also burned twice which you should've done too.
4. There's no doubting 30% vs 44% has an impact, but it's nothing like having the ring vs not having it.
5. You would have to sim that to know for sure. Wep and trinket upgrades will most probably out DPS a ring upgrade, but the rest.... However do take into account that the sim has the most efficient uses of CDs possible. If you're not using them as well as the sim (Like the Zakuun log) the gains aren't as noticeable on a ring upgrade.
6. Well yes if you jumped straight from 753 to 795, but in the small increments no. You will gain more from fixing any rotation issues.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:13 pm
by Abumagic
Thank you so much!!

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:23 am
by Hanzlanda
This thread has helped me A LOT. I do have one BIG question that is really bothering me.

During the conserve phase, I have periods of time where I am below 93% mana with arcane barrage still on CD and no arcane missiles to fire. Beyond using Arcane Torrent to save my butt once every 2 minutes, what else is there to do? Sit and wait for the magical 93%? Or just fire off another arcane blast?

During conserve phase, are you guys spamming arcane blast, or being a bit more careful?

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:31 am
by Rinoa
Keep blasting. You won't be at 4 Arcane Chages with Arcane Barrage on cooldown if you build charges with Arcane Blast.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:08 pm
by Curnivore
I think he meant he messed up and he is quite low on mana with nothing other than Arcane Blast. I believe in those cases it might be preferable to Arcane Blast -> Arcane Barrage until it goes near ~90%. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:24 pm
by Hanzlanda
I think he meant he messed up and he is quite low on mana with nothing other than Arcane Blast. I believe in those cases it might be preferable to Arcane Blast -> Arcane Barrage until it goes near ~90%. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sometimes I dip into the low 80% range. Call it an average of 85%.

I did do a couple bosses on a normal HFC run with some guildies and their alts last night. This is the first time I have actually raided as arcane.

On Tyrant, I did 75.5K DPS. This was the first boss for me last night.

On manny I was doing 45 to 50K dps up till phase 2. We wiped a couple times for reasons unrelated to my DPS. But I said screw it, switched back to frost to expedite killing adds.

I was pleased with my Tyrant DPS since it was my first time. I wasn't extremely upset with the dps I had on Manny due to all the running around.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:00 pm
by Curnivore
It's an interesting subject actually. In a fight the other day I accidentally wasted Evocation during a burn. I wondered at that time if it would be a DPS gain or a DPS loss if I just waited doing nothing instead of doing Arcane Blast -> Arcane Barrage.

The only thing that is certain is that Arcane Missiles can not be wasted. That brings to mind, that since ABlast can proc them, it is probably a waste of DPS doing nothing.

It's generally though another area that "it's probably right but without sims I can't confirm it" that makes it a good idea Legion makes it simpler with another mastery.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:45 am
by Hanzlanda
It's an interesting subject actually. In a fight the other day I accidentally wasted Evocation during a burn. I wondered at that time if it would be a DPS gain or a DPS loss if I just waited doing nothing instead of doing Arcane Blast -> Arcane Barrage.

The only thing that is certain is that Arcane Missiles can not be wasted. That brings to mind, that since ABlast can proc them, it is probably a waste of DPS doing nothing.

It's generally though another area that "it's probably right but without sims I can't confirm it" that makes it a good idea Legion makes it simpler with another mastery.
That is what I thought too. If you're not casting Arc Blast you're not going to proc Arc Missiles or Mark of Doom. Which according to my understanding is one of the sweet spots of the arcane spec.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:05 am
by Zelendria
Well your biggest DPS loss is doing nothing.
If you've made a major mana mistake cast ABx 2, any AM, then Barrage. Won't take more than 2-4 rotations of that even from a starting point as drastic as 50%.

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:47 am
by Abumagic
Hello ^-^ its me again.

I have a few questions again :[

These are our logs from yesterday : ... n#fight=65" target="_blank

1) Is there any cap for haste? I saw some high-end mages going for 2100 haste but I saw another mages that doesnt care about that "cap" ,honestly, I dont understand why.

2) Im using the glyph of Arcane Power in short fights like, Iron Reaver and Kormrok. Is that okay?

3) Should I enchant Mastery or Haste on my weapon? At the moment Im enchanting Mastery because Im at 2100+ haste.

4) I coined a Mythic Warforged Demonbuckle Sash of Argus. BUT, I actually have equipped a Sash of Unending Anguish with a 75haste gem. I dont know If the belt of Archimonde is going to be a upgrade, even without a socket. Lets keep in mind that the belt of Arch is 751.

Heres my armory. ... c/advanced" target="_blank

Re: DPS issues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:52 pm
by Abumagic
Still looking for answers.