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Hey guys,
I have raided for a while now in HFC, and am 11/13 and my gear is pretty terrible!
Not sure if it has been bad luck, or just myself not paying attention or what, but here are my stats:
Crit: 1748
Mastery: 2366
Haste: 1315
Multi: 1157
Item level: 738
Armory: ... ine/simple" target="_blank
Logs: ... #boss=1785" target="_blank
I seem to do fine on boss fights, but when i compare my stats to that even of a 732 mage, my total stats are pretty terrible.
I have created this list of gear on what to aim for to fix some things up:
Slot|Boss|Item **=BIS
Belt|Fel Lord Zakuun| Sash of Unending Anguish
Staff|Xhul'Horac|Voidcore Greatstaff
Shoulder|Xhul'Horac|Mantle of the Arcanic Conclave**
Wristguards|Tyrant Velhari| Contemptous Wristguards**
Feet|Zone Drop|Dessicated Soulrender Slippers**
Trinket|Mannoroth|Prophecy of Fear**
Off Hand|Mannoroth|Thumping Demonheart Fetish
Chest|Mannoroth|Robe of the Arcanic Conclave**
Staff|Archimonde|Edict of Argus**
Trinket|Archimonde|Tome of Shifting Words**
Belt|Archimonde|Demonbuckle Sash of Argus**
Head|Archimonde|Demon Princes Ascendant Crown**
Is there anything else i can do or any other advice you guys can offer?
I run arcane pretty much on all fights.
Gearing Issues 738ilv mage
Re: Gearing Issues 738ilv mage
I mean if your rotation is correct then it just comes down to gear. I simmed your character and you need more haste as soon as you can get it. However, even at your levels, haste is worth less than 1 intellect. What that means is even though your secondaries are terrible, its not the end of the world. Some classes have secondaries worth more than their primary stat.
If you can switch out your crit/versa into haste, you will be golden. That will give you a significant boost in damage. Your mastery rating isn't shabby. Just remember that you won't see a RIDICULOUS increase when you fix your secondaries because its not like crit or multi are necessarily "bad" for arcane.
Also your secondary priority depends on gear. For example, your chracter has 0.99 scaling for haste which is insane. My character (Irugard on US) has a 0.74 scaling on haste with multi being slightly higher (0.75) if I remember correctly. Just make sure you keep in mind that haste is only your best stat until a certain amount. Also have to realize that your high crit rating also can lead to some severely high burst that you will see less once you get haste.
Haste is better for longer fights. As fights become shorter, mastery/crit/multi become better. MUCH better. So you also have to consider how long your guild's fight are. For people doing parsing for example, they stack the crap out of mastery and crit (mainly mastery as it is less RNG with very similar effect).
The best way to figure stuff out is to sim your character with different sets of gear to get a better feel. Since the difference shouldn't be insane, it will be hard to do proper in game testing (since you realistically need to do 100's of test runs on dummy for each gear set for an accurate representation).
If you can switch out your crit/versa into haste, you will be golden. That will give you a significant boost in damage. Your mastery rating isn't shabby. Just remember that you won't see a RIDICULOUS increase when you fix your secondaries because its not like crit or multi are necessarily "bad" for arcane.
Also your secondary priority depends on gear. For example, your chracter has 0.99 scaling for haste which is insane. My character (Irugard on US) has a 0.74 scaling on haste with multi being slightly higher (0.75) if I remember correctly. Just make sure you keep in mind that haste is only your best stat until a certain amount. Also have to realize that your high crit rating also can lead to some severely high burst that you will see less once you get haste.
Haste is better for longer fights. As fights become shorter, mastery/crit/multi become better. MUCH better. So you also have to consider how long your guild's fight are. For people doing parsing for example, they stack the crap out of mastery and crit (mainly mastery as it is less RNG with very similar effect).
The best way to figure stuff out is to sim your character with different sets of gear to get a better feel. Since the difference shouldn't be insane, it will be hard to do proper in game testing (since you realistically need to do 100's of test runs on dummy for each gear set for an accurate representation).
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