Gearing Issues 738ilv mage
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:06 pm
Moderator note: moved to Q&A.
Hey guys,
I have raided for a while now in HFC, and am 11/13 and my gear is pretty terrible!
Not sure if it has been bad luck, or just myself not paying attention or what, but here are my stats:
Crit: 1748
Mastery: 2366
Haste: 1315
Multi: 1157
Item level: 738
Armory: ... ine/simple" target="_blank
Logs: ... #boss=1785" target="_blank
I seem to do fine on boss fights, but when i compare my stats to that even of a 732 mage, my total stats are pretty terrible.
I have created this list of gear on what to aim for to fix some things up:
Slot|Boss|Item **=BIS
Belt|Fel Lord Zakuun| Sash of Unending Anguish
Staff|Xhul'Horac|Voidcore Greatstaff
Shoulder|Xhul'Horac|Mantle of the Arcanic Conclave**
Wristguards|Tyrant Velhari| Contemptous Wristguards**
Feet|Zone Drop|Dessicated Soulrender Slippers**
Trinket|Mannoroth|Prophecy of Fear**
Off Hand|Mannoroth|Thumping Demonheart Fetish
Chest|Mannoroth|Robe of the Arcanic Conclave**
Staff|Archimonde|Edict of Argus**
Trinket|Archimonde|Tome of Shifting Words**
Belt|Archimonde|Demonbuckle Sash of Argus**
Head|Archimonde|Demon Princes Ascendant Crown**
Is there anything else i can do or any other advice you guys can offer?
I run arcane pretty much on all fights.
Hey guys,
I have raided for a while now in HFC, and am 11/13 and my gear is pretty terrible!
Not sure if it has been bad luck, or just myself not paying attention or what, but here are my stats:
Crit: 1748
Mastery: 2366
Haste: 1315
Multi: 1157
Item level: 738
Armory: ... ine/simple" target="_blank
Logs: ... #boss=1785" target="_blank
I seem to do fine on boss fights, but when i compare my stats to that even of a 732 mage, my total stats are pretty terrible.
I have created this list of gear on what to aim for to fix some things up:
Slot|Boss|Item **=BIS
Belt|Fel Lord Zakuun| Sash of Unending Anguish
Staff|Xhul'Horac|Voidcore Greatstaff
Shoulder|Xhul'Horac|Mantle of the Arcanic Conclave**
Wristguards|Tyrant Velhari| Contemptous Wristguards**
Feet|Zone Drop|Dessicated Soulrender Slippers**
Trinket|Mannoroth|Prophecy of Fear**
Off Hand|Mannoroth|Thumping Demonheart Fetish
Chest|Mannoroth|Robe of the Arcanic Conclave**
Staff|Archimonde|Edict of Argus**
Trinket|Archimonde|Tome of Shifting Words**
Belt|Archimonde|Demonbuckle Sash of Argus**
Head|Archimonde|Demon Princes Ascendant Crown**
Is there anything else i can do or any other advice you guys can offer?
I run arcane pretty much on all fights.