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AOE Underperforming

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:12 am
by Burneth
Mod Edit: Moved to Q&A
Hi all,
I'm starting to get upto +7 mythic and realise AOE damage is more important than single target.
I only switched to fire a few weeks ago and feel good about my single target numbers but feel my poor AOE could be starting to effect the number of invites in getting.

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, any tips regarding stat priority and rotation would be great.
Currently in using living bomb and dragons breath on cool down, spamming fireball until hot streak proc and using it on flamestrike.

It feels right but I'm doing about less dps than equally and lesser geared fire mage.
What and I doing wrong?

Cheers everyone for the discussions on these forums, they've been invaluable.

Burneth - EU - chamber of aspects

Re: AOE Underperforming

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:38 am
by Xenost
Most important thing is your RoP usage, you need to go LB -> RoP- > Mini-Burn (PF->FB->FS sequence with DB somewhere in between) , Combu every time you can for a full burn.

With all the pheonix reborn proc, I cast only a few Fireball from time to time on packs, most of the time it"s PF-FB. IF the targets are alive for long (mythic + 10-15) or need priority dps I will go for standard ST with LB and DB added.

You need to use your CD properly exactly like for ST, it's what fire is about.

Re: AOE Underperforming

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:03 pm
by Burneth
I think you've got my problem spot on there, I don't use rune of power or phoenix flames enough.
My issue is worrying about not having those CD's ready for the boss.
I'll give that rotation a go tonight, might try and always keep 1 CD of each and see how it goes.

I also play with a mage that has pretty high mastery who does great AOE, is it worth stacking this for trash instead of the normal priorities?

Re: AOE Underperforming

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:50 pm
by Silvy
Mastery is definitely good to have when running dungeons and mythics.

Personally, I tend to use combustion on packs with 5+ targets. When running high m+ it yields great numbers. My rotation for AoE combustion is:

Fireball(fish for crit)>LB>RoP+Combustion>Blast>FS>PF+Blast>FS>FlameOn>PF+Blast>FS>PF+Blast>FS>DB

You basically replace your Pyro opener with Flamestrike and it works wonders and yields insane numbers. Try it out :)


Re: AOE Underperforming

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:58 pm
by Curnivore
I usually immediately Living Bomb, RoP, PF/Combust, Heating Up!, FS/PB. It's mostly common sense I think. The only obscure thing I heard is that if you're running Cinderstorm it might be best to get Ignite first on them but nobody runs/few run Cinderstorm on 5mans lately.

Re: AOE Underperforming

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:08 pm
by Burneth
Cheers all, using ROP and PF on trash has done wonders for my DPS and so far I've been able to hold back as i get close to a boss fight so I'm fully stacked for the single target rotation.

Re: AOE Underperforming

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:15 pm
by lopstar
Ppl messing up their CD's usage because they want it to be ready for boss.
It's not about making most dmg on bosses, it's about making most dmg overall. So use CD whenever you can, even though it will not be up on start on boss.