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Has Glyph of IV been fixed at this moment?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:11 am
by zhengma
I've heard enough regarding the "bugs" this glyph brings about, especially how it interacts with the 2T16 bonus, how it procs FoF and how it interacts with the passive [Shatter], making it an unfavorable choice.

So, has those issues previously reported been fixed at this moment? Does it give a statistically overall 120% increase in damage for all my FB, FFB, Lance and pet damage when it's active regardless of haste, crit and set bonus?

Re: Has Glyph of IV been fixed at this moment?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:24 am
by Kuni
I'm personally unaware of any bugs on live. Shatter/FoF/BF have always worked with it, and the 2T16 bug got fixed rather quickly.

If there's any other bugs that you know of, I'd be happy to search for them?