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Fire Haste/Mastery based on my current gear

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:32 pm
by Amitwin
Hey guys, first post here so i'll start by saying thanks to everyone that posts on these forums; i've picked up some invaluable information, and I really love reading into the theorycrafting that you guys do.

That being said, i've come to this section of the forum in the hopes that somebody can help a little with my personal build. My gear is not yet high enough to apply all of the BiS based research people have posted, so i'd appreciate some outside opinions.

Spec: Fire
Item Level: 575
Armory Link: ... n/advanced
AMR: ... wn/amitwin

I'm currently using around 11.6k haste, which leaves me with about 17.4k crit and 7.5k mastery.

My main question is - should I change to a 14.1k haste build, or would it leave my crit/mastery values too low?

Secondarily, it is extremely likely within the upcoming weeks that I will be swapping out the NM BBoY for a HC TT, as the next drop is mine. This is where it gets interesting for me, as I will lose even more haste, making me drop even more crit/mastery to go for the 14.1k build. HC BBoY is not an option for me at the moment as we are only 9/14. I also have an awful NM Haste amulet which will get replaced with the HC Mastery one ASAP.

So, my second question is - Given these incoming gear changes (when available), should I use a 14.1k build or otherwise?

And my third question - Given the HC KTT, are there any fights where you would opt to use the NM BBoY for the higher Combustion cleave over the HC KTT, or is this strictly a DPS loss? (Shamans, Protectors)

For added info I would note that our kill times are not extremely quick because we are currently progressing HCs, and are not BiS raiders, though we are all 575-580ish

Thanks for any and all advice guys, love the forums.

Re: Fire Haste/Mastery based on my current gear

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:53 am
by enemy1g
It's highly dependent on your current kill times, but from what I've gathered, the 14.1k haste breakpoint is no longer viable in any situation. Since you have a HWF PBOI, it's likely you could drop to 10350 haste (got this # from one of Dutch's posts). I've been using 10350 since it was introduced and have been completely satisfied with the results.

Personally, I'd choose the KTT over the BBOY, because of the ease of use that comes with KTT's proc. That being said, if I were to get a H/HWF BBOY, I'd definitely use that over my HWY KTT.

Re: Fire Haste/Mastery based on my current gear

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:56 pm
by Dutchmagoz
I'd advice you to use 10.350 haste, or 11.6k haste. Since you're 9/14HC I'm assuming your kill times aren't super fast, so I think 11.6k will be better for you.

H KTT > N BBoY, in your case as well.

Re: Fire Haste/Mastery based on my current gear

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:17 pm
by Amitwin
Thanks for the advice guys, shall be using the 11.6k breakpoint for now and perhaps switch down to 10.3k once our kill times improve.

Thanks again for the feedback.