Arcane Stat Weight Question
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:46 am
Mod edit: Moved this to Q&A
Hey guys, first post around here, wanted to thank everyone contributing for the very interesting thoughts and theorycrafting.
I got a question of my own. Here's my armory link, currently sitting at the following stats using the regular OP build (just switching to resonance for M+) :
Simcraft give me the following scaling : Int > SP > Vers ~= Haste ~= Crit > Mastery with the following weights :
Intellect=11.05, SpellPower=10.55, CritRating=8.53, HasteRating=8.82, MasteryRating=7.30, Versatility=9.00
Since 7.1.5, haste has remained my most important stat according to sims, and vers only kicked up because I switched my 865 oakheart (+vers) for the 880 shock baton I dropped today (+crit).
I've bumped haste quite a bit since the patch (showing almost 20% atm), lowering my mastery (which is, also, almost at 20% atm, was 40% in 7.1), but as you can see it's still a lot higher than mastery according to the sims.
I'm quite surprised haste is simming so much higher than mastery and, if I follow these weights, I might end up at 15% mastery or even lower, which feels kinda weird, if not wrong. Are you guys experiencing the same phenomenon ? I'm guessing cord + kilt has something to do with it, since I'm having 0 mana issues atm after getting used to the new rotation, but I'd have thought mastery - with the dmg bonus to AC and the somewhat longer burn phases - would have retained some more weight.
Hey guys, first post around here, wanted to thank everyone contributing for the very interesting thoughts and theorycrafting.
I got a question of my own. Here's my armory link, currently sitting at the following stats using the regular OP build (just switching to resonance for M+) :
Simcraft give me the following scaling : Int > SP > Vers ~= Haste ~= Crit > Mastery with the following weights :
Intellect=11.05, SpellPower=10.55, CritRating=8.53, HasteRating=8.82, MasteryRating=7.30, Versatility=9.00
Since 7.1.5, haste has remained my most important stat according to sims, and vers only kicked up because I switched my 865 oakheart (+vers) for the 880 shock baton I dropped today (+crit).
I've bumped haste quite a bit since the patch (showing almost 20% atm), lowering my mastery (which is, also, almost at 20% atm, was 40% in 7.1), but as you can see it's still a lot higher than mastery according to the sims.
I'm quite surprised haste is simming so much higher than mastery and, if I follow these weights, I might end up at 15% mastery or even lower, which feels kinda weird, if not wrong. Are you guys experiencing the same phenomenon ? I'm guessing cord + kilt has something to do with it, since I'm having 0 mana issues atm after getting used to the new rotation, but I'd have thought mastery - with the dmg bonus to AC and the somewhat longer burn phases - would have retained some more weight.