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Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:48 pm
by deifik
Moderator note: moved to Q&A.

I haven't seen anyone working on a chart to compare trinkets, specifically one updated to contain NH trinkets. I'm very aware that a lot of the NH trinkets are parsing worse than much lower tiered stat stick trinkets but I'd like a combined quick reference chart. The chart on Icy Veins seems out of date. I'm only slightly familiar with using simulationcraft or I would do it myself.

Perhaps if someone can help me understand simulation craft I will try to do some of the work tonight or this weekend. I'm having trouble understanding how to get an item link for random stat stick trinkets at particular ilvl's to use them for comparison. How do I obtain those links? Such as ... bonus=3432 this trinket, how do I get a link for each version with crit, mastery, haste, etc..?

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:44 pm
by Binkenstein
I'm planning on kicking off the sims this weekend. Have been waiting for the trinket hotfixes that went through yesterday

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:17 pm
by deifik
Awesome. I was looking over the main 7.1.5 trinket sims post and I couldn't find Helyas Brinewater Slime trinket. I'm not able to view the full dropbox at work, but I thought that trinket would be simming very well right now. Was it included and probably parse better after your sims this weekend?

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:41 am
by Conatus78
Frosted's pinned guide at the top of the arcane forum contains 7.1.5 trinket rankings based on SimulationCraft.

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:30 am
by a0kalittlema0n
*falls down on knees to worship Binkenstein*

dude those trinket charts are literally the best resource I've seen put out in regards to theorycrafting as a whole for the mage community. Love it man, keep up the amazing work.

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:21 am
by Ronark
I'm planning on kicking off the sims this weekend. Have been waiting for the trinket hotfixes that went through yesterday
As always appreciate the work you do Bink!

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:07 am
by Binkenstein
Just so people are aware: 7.1.5 trinket graphs haven't been run yet as I've been waiting for todays trinket hotfixes. Once simcraft is updated for those I'll be able to run them, so it's probably mid/late this week at the earliest.

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:49 am
by Spookytooth
Been checking it everyday since 7.1.5. So glad to hear it's coming, as Aok said, amazing resource!

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:03 am
by Binkenstein
Imgur album with all the relevant links:" target="_blank

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:11 am
by glasscannon
Imgur album with all the relevant links:" target="_blank
Truly awesome, many thanks :)

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:35 am
by Ddmagebags
Got a 900 Icon of Rot tonight W/ a socket...shame its crap :(

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:33 am
by Andrestes
@Binkenstein I'd really like to do this for fire with 4 and 10 targets. mind posting the generic profile with all the trinkets? also, any idea what the keyword is to change the number of targets? I'll happily give the Binkmeister all the credit.

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:16 pm
by Zulandia
@Binkenstein I'd really like to do this for fire with 4 and 10 targets. mind posting the generic profile with all the trinkets? also, any idea what the keyword is to change the number of targets? I'll happily give the Binkmeister all the credit.
He's done a writeup on how he does it before on his blog (including the sheets he uses to help generate profiles) ... abluation/.

As for how to change number of targets you can either use the options menu in the GUI or simply declare them in the profile

Code: Select all

enemy=e1 enemy=e2 enemy=e3 enemy=e4
You can of course add as many as you want/call them whatever you want (the right side of the equal sign).

Re: Anyone working on Arcane Trinket sim comparisons?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:02 am
by Andrestes
Edit- just gonna run them on windows. Seems to be working and hopefully I'll have some nice pictures tomorrow.

@Zulandia, Thanks. I did try this but I'm running into an error when I try and run the sims

ERROR! Incorrect option format: Unexpected parameter 'Mage_Arcane_T19M_NH.simc'. Expected format: name=value

is there a difference in the input format between linux and windows versions? I'm using the same inputs as Binkenstein's script




Mage_Arcane_T19M_NH.simc name=Bough_of_Corruption_840 trinket1=,id=139336,ilevel=840 trinket2=
Mage_Arcane_T19M_NH.simc name=Caged_Horror_840 trinket1=,id=136716,ilevel=840 trinket2=
Mage_Arcane_T19M_NH.simc name=Chrono_Shard_840 trinket1=,id=137419,ilevel=840 trinket2=
Mage_Arcane_T19M_NH.simc name=Corrupted_Starlight_840 trinket1=,id=137301,ilevel=840 trinket2=