Brinewater silme in a bottle vs. whispered in the dark
Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:30 pm
Mod Edit: Moved to Q&A/Help
I've just dropped Brinewater Silme in a Bottle but with a versatility (890 warforged heroic). I have Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish on first trinket slot and Whispered in the Dark for second slot (895 heroic). My paladin friend want this trinket much so I can't do a simulation for specific configurations of trinkets and I want to ask it here. I know Bottle is better trinket is better with Mastery or Crit, but Versa is still good stat I guess. Can you help me with that issue?
I've just dropped Brinewater Silme in a Bottle but with a versatility (890 warforged heroic). I have Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish on first trinket slot and Whispered in the Dark for second slot (895 heroic). My paladin friend want this trinket much so I can't do a simulation for specific configurations of trinkets and I want to ask it here. I know Bottle is better trinket is better with Mastery or Crit, but Versa is still good stat I guess. Can you help me with that issue?