Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here.

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Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here.

Unread postby Daimx Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:24 am

Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here. ... imx/simple" target="_blank

Iam currently ilvl 585 (almost 586) with my frost mage.
I have all the heroic SOO tiers laying in bank, and I have the heroic trinket from Garrosh.
My big question here is if I should drop the WF gloves and swap to heroic tier, and swap shoulders aswell for tier.

Iam a bit fuzzed aswell if I should focus on haste or mastery….

Thanks for helping me!

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Re: Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here.

Unread postby Daimx Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:31 pm

Heres some logs from my last soo run. ... &source=34" target="_blank
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Re: Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here.

Unread postby Soggs Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:01 pm" target="_blank" target="_blank

Read the start posts in those two thread carefully. For you gear my recommendation would be to swap shoulders and legs for tier. Also drop haste till you are only slightly above 15832 haste. Go for mastery instead.
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Re: Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here.

Unread postby Niphyr Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:10 pm

Holy hit batman. You have lots of hit on gear, 5% more than you need. Try to replace some of the hit bits if you can, Garrosh/Immerseus helm, Galakras boots, Thok ring to name a few. Even reforging out of it you're 5% over the cap so you have plenty of room to lose some hit.

As for mastery vs haste, check out some of the threads here in the mage forum, in particular this one about the various gearing methods.

Now your logs; I looked through a few of the fights and your invoker's uptime, bomb uptime looked good, as did your cooldown usage so that's a solid start. The only thing worth mentioning is more ice lances than FoF procs on a few fights, sometimes 5-15 more which is a reasonable dps loss. You are much better at consuming all your BF procs with only a few wasted on some fights.
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Re: Asking for a little gearcheck / assistance here.

Unread postby Komma Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:57 am

Similar to what Niphyr said, you have way too much hit from your items. In your case, I'd even recommend going for a 4T16 setup, just to avoid getting both the hit on your helm and your robes. Of course, that would depend on what tier pieces you have upgraded.

I took a quick glance at your logs, and similar to Niphyr I only noticed the non FoF Ice lances standing out.
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