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[Frost] Legendary choice

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:00 pm
by Veígar
Mod edit: Moved to Q&A

So if I have all three legendaries, what combination of them should I use? The guide ranks the legendaries individually but won't certain combinations provide better results?
Gloves + Shard sim at 895k, but TW doesn't directly affect the gloves' ability
Bracers + Shard sim at 882k, TW causes more frostbolts -> more FoF -> more bracer stacks.
Gloves + bracers sim at 891k -> These two seem to compliment each other the best during IV, and seems to be more versatile.

Here's my profile if needed. ... e%C3%ADgar" target="_blank

Edit: I assume if I ever get the belt, and I'm doing a raid boss with AoE or some Mythic+ I'd wear the belt and the bracers?

Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:35 pm
by broedrost
So if I have all three legendaries, what combination of them should I use? The guide ranks the legendaries individually but won't certain combinations provide better results?
Gloves + Shard sim at 895k, but TW doesn't directly affect the gloves' ability
Bracers + Shard sim at 882k, TW causes more frostbolts -> more FoF -> more bracer stacks.
Gloves + bracers sim at 891k -> These two seem to compliment each other the best during IV, and seems to be more versatile.

Here's my profile if needed. ... e%C3%ADgar" target="_blank

Edit: I assume if I ever get the belt, and I'm doing a raid boss with AoE or some Mythic+ I'd wear the belt and the bracers?
Most people play bracers + shard for farm kills where you really benefit from the double hero (short killtimers).
I'd say you should use bracers + gloves for slower progressfights. I don't see any situation where you would play gloves + shard

Re: [Frost] Legendary choice

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:09 pm
by Veígar
Just tried Gloves + Bracers for the farming run. I think I play better overall with it. The TW ring always annoyed me because I can't really TW before the raid wants to at times and I'd have to wait for someone else to TW which may or may not line up with my CDs.

For mythic+/lots of adds, it should probably be the belt (which I don't have yet) and bracers right?

Re: [Frost] Legendary choice

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:23 pm
by Mage
Bracer+ring if able to get double lust or more (with full CDs, second lust for last 15 secs of IV+pot is not what i'm talking about).
Replace ring with gloves if 1 lust+CDs.
Also gotta play around gloves not to munch, otherwise it might not even be a gain over shard.

Re: [Frost] Legendary choice

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:01 am
by Veígar
Bracer+ring if able to get double lust or more (with full CDs, second lust for last 15 secs of IV+pot is not what i'm talking about).
Replace ring with gloves if 1 lust+CDs.
Also gotta play around gloves not to munch, otherwise it might not even be a gain over shard.
Not munching as in not having past 3 FoF charges, and if FoF/BF proc at the same time while casting FB, I want to FB->IL, then FB->BF->IL.

What happens if I happen to cast BF, then a FoF procs? Do I munch it into Winter's Chill, or do I FB->IL?

I always have issues figuring out what to do when I get a bunch of FoF procs with FO, I usually just spam IL during that time.

Re: [Frost] Legendary choice

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:10 pm
by Mage
Depends on your stats, due to chain reaction uptime, but the difference very small in actual parses.