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575 Frost/Arcane Dps critique

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:06 pm
by Igetdahkstoo
Just curious what i'm doing wrong, how my CD usage is, etc.
Main spec is frost, playing around with arcane on a couple bosses(first time playing arcane on these bosses in normal/Heroic mode).

Armory: ... d/advanced" target="_blank

Protectors 10n: ... pe=summary" target="_blank
Norushen 10H: ... y&fight=54" target="_blank
Sha 10n: ... pe=summary" target="_blank
Shamans 10n: ... y&fight=63" target="_blank

I have a pretty big issue with not wasting BF procs(especially bad on shamans :oops: ) so any tips on minimizing that would be great as well. I know on some of the fights my uptimes are a bit low(norushen, sha esp) but I will be bringing that up asap.

Re: 575 Frost/Arcane Dps critique

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:14 am
by Komma
1. You killed your on-pull PBoI proc with AT on Protectors.
2. You seem to have forgotten to use a second potion until near the end of protectors - stacking it with AP would have been better!
3. NT uptimes on multidotting protectors can probably be slightly improved.

Not much to be said (aside proc munching, as you mentioned) except that you seem to munch LB explosions pretty often by refreshing slightly too early. You also seem to dislike syncing potions with Icy Veins for some reason.