Soul of the Archmage undervalued

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Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:32 am

Soul of the Archmage undervalued

Unread postby Aggrokalle Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:38 pm

So, anyone got some experiance using the new ring + bracers?
it sims way lower that the "bis" legy combos, but i feel it could be a very strong choice on some fights (desolate host, sisters). Plus i get some really good numbers on dmg-puppy with it...
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Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:00 pm

Re: Soul of the Archmage undervalued

Unread postby sawbossnl Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:48 am

Point is shard and bracers are atm so good cuase you can hero 3times if your smart enouf to figure it out.

Progress fight last most of the times longer than 5 minutes. So you timewarp at start and after 2 minutes someone els bloodlust/ timewarp for you for you and after 5 minutes you can timewarp again. :)

On farm bosses wen the fight last less than 5 minutes than it might be possible that shard becomes less valuable. But thats also time based as if its like 3 minutes fight than you have 2x timewarp and 2x icyveins and they both end at the end of the fight so i think the value of the new ring is spot on and is under shard, bracers,helm combos

But yea this only applys if you timewarp at the start

Sorry for my bad english

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