Can someone please explain "shimmer lancing"

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Can someone please explain "shimmer lancing"

Unread postby Katyla Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:43 pm

I've looked everywhere for how exactly to execute this.

From what I understand it works with Ebonbolt>Icelance>Shimmer>Icelance and you are able to get off 2 IL within winters chill.

I seem to have only managed to do this a few times and have a few questions concerning:

- Is there the need to change your MS input similarly to how double icelancing was affected previously?
- Are you able to shimmerlance with just regular BF procs?

I'm very new to this so any insight would be great :) Thx!
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Re: Can someone please explain "shimmer lancing"

Unread postby Jezrien Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:34 pm

More haste you have better shimmerlance execution is. With "more haste" I don't mean to stack it dramatically, it's all about IV and BL (whispers or rising tide). Haste buff offers more comfort to this thing. Also it's positioning, it seems like you can do shimmerlance with 26-28% haste without IV, BL or anything else if you just stand somewhere around 20 yards away, so you just do ebonbolt -> lance -> move towards the boss -> lance. At least it works for me with 92-105ms ping. Ofc veins, lust and so on helps a lot.

But doing shimmerlancing you should always remember one thing: do NOT abuse it. Especially in mythic where saving shimmer could be crucial for you to survive during encounter. That's way you won't see frost mages doing shimmerlancing in the middle of the fight in mythic.
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Re: Can someone please explain "shimmer lancing"

Unread postby Xinder Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:32 pm

Jezrien is right. Most mages aren't shimmerlancing outside of the opener and even then it depends on mechanics that could occur after the boss is pulled. Most likely aren't using shimmer for that more during the fight because of wanting both charges for mechanics.

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