Arcane and Frost Dual speccing.

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Arcane and Frost Dual speccing.

Unread postby Hazemat Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:22 am

Basically my question is how effective is Arcane and Frost as a dual spec? I'm kind of taking a shot in the dark here, but would stacking haste as an arcane up to the 14242 breakpoint effective? I gemmed some slots for haste to get this breakpoint as arcane to just test some things out.

I know the frost mage breakpoint for haste has been upped a little bit, but I figure for my gear level and for an easy dual spec maybe 14242 wouldn't be so bad. Should I do this and rock frost armor every fight or go back to purely gemming mastery as arcane? ... t/advanced" target="_blank

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Re: Arcane and Frost Dual speccing.

Unread postby Chev Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:08 pm

I am no where near a top tier Mage, and it goes without saying that Arcane would perform better if you are geared / gemmed for Arcane as a main spec just as it would for Frost, but I have found the two are pretty interchangeable.

As you has said, with frost, after 14242, you start stacking mastery (or you can go to 15697 as the two are roughly equal between the two points). With Arcane, you don't specifically aim for the 14242 haste soft cap (I did because Arcane felt slow after playing Frost) but it wont hurt that much to reach it and with high gear it should be reasonably easy to get to that point passively.
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Re: Arcane and Frost Dual speccing.

Unread postby BioBall Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:59 am" target="_blank

I run Frost and Arcane. Running 2 piece with 14242 haste and Frost Armour for all fights as arcane.
That level of haste is perfect for Frost as well and most of my high ranks are with that setup. Perfectly viable
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Re: Arcane and Frost Dual speccing.

Unread postby Tiaitchsi Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:26 pm

I run Frost and Arcane. Running 2 piece with 14242 haste and Frost Armour for all fights as arcane.
That level of haste is perfect for Frost as well and most of my high ranks are with that setup. Perfectly viable
Interesting.. What trinkets are you using for frost respectively arcane? KTT anz PBoI?

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