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New to fire mage

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:45 pm
by Thundderz
Hi fellow mages

I would like to get some help with my fire mage. i need all the tips and trick you can give.
I will be able to upload a log tonight but first of all lemme say that i just started as a fire mage
Armory: ... n/advanced

If you also have an advanced guide or something loll. keep in mind that since Vanilla i have NEVER been a DPS and this my first time


Re: New to fire mage

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:47 pm
by Komma
It is hard to give detailed advice without logs or any details. At your gear level without a legendary meta gem or cloak, and also using a lot of mastery/haste heavy pieces instead of crit, fire may be a bit frustrating to play. Since you're just starting, I recommend checking out Icy Vein's fire mage guide to get started:

In terms of gear, there are some things you can fix. To start, you are 0.52% off from hit cap. Some regemming and/or reforging should fix that. You're also using Windsong on your staff, which isn't as powerful as Jade Spirit.

Re: New to fire mage

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 11:32 am
by Kver
There is an advanced guide in the Fire subforums, but it might be too complex at first since it assumes a rather high gear level.

On the subject of gear, I would highly advise you to attempt to acquire the 4 set, all pieces have crit on them and the bonus from the 2 and 4 set is massive. The general advise for you would be more crit: 11k rating really is relatively low.

If you give us a log we can help you with gameplay.