Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

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Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby Electron Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:02 am

Currently playing as frost I have been doing my PC rotation as follows:
1) Frozen Orb
2) Pop Everything Macro (Icy Veins, Berserk, Trinkets)
3) PC
4) Frost Bomb -> PC
5) FoF Procs
6) BF Procs
7) Frostbolt until more procs

I want to learn more about the mechanics of Frozen orb.

Description says it lasts 10 seconds. Does it last 10 seconds from when you cast it? or from when it starts dealing damage? (Should I try to be in melee range of the target when the throw Frozen Orb)

The orb appears to travel forward at a quick speed then slow down once it hits a target. How close to the orb does an enemy have to be to take damage compared to how close it will get to a target before it slows down? (This is important for prismatic crystal placement, i.e. where can I place my prismatic crystals and be sure that they will be in range of the frozen orb for its full duration, for example: if these 2 areas were the same size I would have to place the prismatic crystal EXACTLY on top of the first target the frozen orb hits). ... onz/simple" target="_blank
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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby nathyiel Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:23 pm

I never find a good way to check Frozen Orb duration. I just ask on Twitter.
From experience, FO radius is a little bigger than its animation but not by far. Don't forget that the Crystal's hitbox is pretty small compared to any boss.
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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby Doji Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:09 pm

I noticed something strange about Frozen Orb, Frost Bomb and Prismatic Crystal, though im not sure if its only FB and PC.
If i plant my PC and put the bomb on the boss next to it, sometimes it seems that the Fingers of Frost procs are not used up if i cast Ice Lance. Im not sure if they benefit from FoF or not, either.
Anyone else noticed that?

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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby Blugatti Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:55 pm

you should be popping those cooldowns after you put down your PC. there is no point in popping cooldowns to put down PC, especially your IV. ... r=Blugatti" target="_blank
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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby Vatti Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:08 am

I never find a good way to check Frozen Orb duration. I just ask on Twitter.
From experience, FO radius is a little bigger than its animation but not by far. Don't forget that the Crystal's hitbox is pretty small compared to any boss.
Track FO CD. At 50 seconds, it disappears.
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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby supernovas Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:42 am

you should be popping those cooldowns after you put down your PC. there is no point in popping cooldowns to put down PC, especially your IV.
Are you wasting up time of your crystal if you do that?
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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby Wilderness Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:59 am

you should be popping those cooldowns after you put down your PC. there is no point in popping cooldowns to put down PC, especially your IV.
Are you wasting up time of your crystal if you do that?
IV/Berserking/trinkets aren't on the GCD so no, you won't waste time on the crystal.
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Re: Frozen Orb + Prismatic Crystal Interaction

Unread postby Pappus Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:42 am

I might be wrong here, but shouldn't you pop IV together with the 2x Frost Bolts that you cast during waterjed preceding the crystal to maximize the chance of BF?

For me the waterjet is part of the crystal rotation so:
IV -> Frost bolt + water jet
Frost Bolt

Although it might be smarter to talk about the PC actual placement, I think the crystal needs to be placed towards the mage, because it will stop traveling as soon as it hits the boss hitbox. If your crystal isn't in it, then that means less FoF procs. Then of course not too much or you risk losing the splitting ice. I am starting to think, that it might be mandatory to actually go into melee range to allow for optimal frost orb placement.

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