[EU][A] Kela - 7/10 mythic in four weeks. 2 raids/week.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:52 am
Are you are person who:
Kela is new guild looking for more people to start progressing through the Mythic content. The guild fundament is a bunch of friends with extensive end-game experience from previous expansions.
In WoD we started small, leading pug raids in BRF with great success. We were lucky and met some equals along the way. Our numbers grew and we were quickly running out of content to play. Now that we’re only missing a few more essential players to head into Mythic, we've decided to turn to the community to fill our roster.
So if you want to be part of a new guild that is going headstrong into Mythic content, here's a quick summary of the key elements:
What can you expect from us?
Here are some general information:
10/10 HC, clearing it in just a few hours. We’ve already started a boosting service.
Haven’t been enough players to start with Mythic yet
Raid Schedule
For people that want a little more information about our players, our current core is pretty solid. However we’ve yet to consolidate all our players in one single raid, but you can watch some of their logs here:
- Loves the adrenaline rush you get on a clutch kill on a progress fight?
Dislikes drama and just want to play the damn game, make memories, and have fun?
or is just really really good
Kela is new guild looking for more people to start progressing through the Mythic content. The guild fundament is a bunch of friends with extensive end-game experience from previous expansions.
In WoD we started small, leading pug raids in BRF with great success. We were lucky and met some equals along the way. Our numbers grew and we were quickly running out of content to play. Now that we’re only missing a few more essential players to head into Mythic, we've decided to turn to the community to fill our roster.
So if you want to be part of a new guild that is going headstrong into Mythic content, here's a quick summary of the key elements:
What can you expect from us?
- Eager and experienced players that all strive for improvement and progress
A flat leadership structure.
This is a guild where every opinion is considered
In-depth knowledge of game and class mechanics
Expertise in most addons and other tools that enhance gameplay and performance
We're actively evaluating the raids performance and execution of mechanics. This will assure us a fast phased progression even on a two day schedule.
A lot of talking about warcraftlogs!
A strict “no douchebags” policy
- A friendly bunch of guys and gals who just enjoy playing WoW together
We play many other games together, like Dota, CS:GO, and most old classics
We're not a very formal guild. That policy has served us quite well in the past.
We're not strict on attendance and we do not require a application to join. (Look below for more details.)
We love talking about numbers and mechanics on off-days.
We just generally enjoy having a good time on teamspeak, talking about everything and nothing, even if we’re not playing
- Communication
- We expect you to step up and talk if it’s needed during the fight
An open mind and ability to handle fair and constructive feedback
We want to raid with people who can contribute, and who enjoy contributing
Here are some general information:
10/10 HC, clearing it in just a few hours. We’ve already started a boosting service.
Haven’t been enough players to start with Mythic yet
Raid Schedule
- Mythic:
Thursday from 19:00 to 23:00
Tuesday 19:00 to 23:00
If we’re close to a kill, we might extend the raid a little.
Heroic (just for those who want):
Every Wednesday
Whenever we want other than that
Feel free to bring alts, friends, or even your wife. Heroics are just to have some extra fun.
We also have members doing CM, arena and other challenging things like raiding HM/BRF with just a few guys
- Realm: The Maelstrom
Faction: Alliance
No attendance requirement
A fair raid invite system that benefits both the 100% attendance members and the ones that don’t have time to join every raid
We expect and encourage very high levels of play, this means that if you are doing way better than someone else of the same class/role, you will be higher prioritized
Loot is handled with a mixture of rolls and common sense. Basically, BiS upgrades will be prioritized over temporary upgrades.
For people that want a little more information about our players, our current core is pretty solid. However we’ve yet to consolidate all our players in one single raid, but you can watch some of their logs here:
- Arcane Mage: http://tinyurl.com/pe75x6t
Druid Tank: http://tinyurl.com/nlvulox
DK Tank: http://tinyurl.com/om2ptyf
Enhancement Shaman: http://tinyurl.com/o595son