[US][A] Stormrage -- NoCC 10/10H Seeks Mages

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Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:29 am

[US][A] Stormrage -- NoCC 10/10H Seeks Mages

Unread postby Shazz Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:55 am

Very early into the life of this guild, but it is comprised of 2-3 circles of talented players resulting in a very solid core of competent raiders.

We are 10/10H within the first three weeks of the guild. Around 60 pulls on Blackhand before we downed him. Most people in the raid getting their AotC.

We could really use some solid mages now!

Raid Times:
8:00pm - Midnight EST (Server Time) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday

Website: http://www.noccwow.com" target="_blank

Ability, experience, and attitude count for 10x as much as gear and experience. We will gear you if you're good! Need a mythic core!This is a group of people willing to go in and learn Mythic together for the first time.

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