Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic/Mythic]

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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Sugg3 Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:52 am

Is it possible for Sugge post his logs? Especially for Darmoc and Operator because he recommends going un-glyphed Combustion and Kindling but most of my own damage comes from Living Bomb. I just want to see the DPS breakdowns for his Fire AOE/Cleave fights.
I realised now that I don't have any logs for the first week of Heroic progression, and I did play Arcane this week since it's the spec I prefer.

The unglyphing strategy for Darmac is purely for "padding" and will not benefit your effective damage tbh. It's just if you wanna get to the top of the damage meters.

Noticed too late that we didn't have anyone logging our Mythic Darmac kill, but I took a screenshot of the damage done. Click here to view that. I know my damage done is not at the top of the rankings and I am aware that I am not that good at playing Fire. (And like I metioned earlier, I don't really like it either, too much RNG compared to Arcane). Here I used the combustion glyph since we did not really need to kill the adds with haste... prolly should have played Arcane now when I think about it.

I assume you are wondering if you should choose Kindling > Meteor for Thogar, and my answer would be a Mmyes, probably. Kindling works good on fights where you can constantly cleave (and with how adds works in BRF, also on some other encounters) and know that your potential damage from combustion is high (almost to full duration). On Thogar is depends on your setup and how fast the adds are going to die and you will have to make a qualified choice here. I personally ran with Kindling.

I'm sorry that I didn't have any logs but hope this gave you the answer you looked for.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Sugg3 Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:05 am

I disagree a bit here. There's a lot of fights where fire is better, and a lot which are argueable and it depends on your raid comp. Example where fire is better/equal: (Talking about mythic here, focusing on what's best for the boss, not padding/total dps)

Blast Furnace (depends how much cleave you got, and your job on the fight, can go either)
Beastlord (arcane could do better, depends how fast the adds die and if thus you gain good boss dmg from lb)
Hans and Franz (no argueing)
Operator (no argueing)
Iron Maidens (no argueing)
Flamebender (could be arcane, but if you do the stack 4 wolves strat, fire wins easily)

Arcane is a clear winner on gruul, oregorger, kromog and blackhand. All the others are very argueable or fire favoured.
I'd agree on the once under no argueing (minus maidens). I note that you make the point I am to make on Blast Furnace, namely what "your" job on the fight is going to be, and this goes for all fights. As Arcane you will in most scenarios have the highest single target output in the game, and even though Fire just comes a few thousand DPS behind, it will obviously gain in multiple target damaging.

You'll just have too look at your raid composition and make a decision together with your fellow raiders regarding if you are going to opt. for more single or more cleaving. If your composition is somewhat well balanced you will most likely find that others classes do the AoE aspects better then Fire does, w/o loosing out on too much single target.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Iceshatter Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:53 am

Suggesting Prismatic Crystal for Blackhand is not a good idea, especially for progress. Blackhand is being moved all the time in all three phases and we are on constant move as well. Even a perfectly timed crystal can be ruined by a Marked for Death.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Vatti Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:55 am

Suggesting Prismatic Crystal for Blackhand is not a good idea, especially for progress. Blackhand is being moved all the time in all three phases and we are on constant move as well. Even a perfectly timed crystal can be ruined by a Marked for Death.
False. I have been placing my crystal successfully in every Blackhand attempt we've done. It's more about knowing when your tank is moving and having clear communication with your tanks about the nuanced movement that you're doing. This is a common mindset one must have when playing crystal in all fights.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Komma Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:13 am

Was about to reply, but Vatti pretty much said everything I had in mind.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby adrift Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:19 pm

What are other peoples experiences using PC on Oregorger? From my experience with Mythic progression, my second PC always comes as he is transitioning to the roll phase where it is essentially useless. I've been just holding it until after so I have it as soon as P1 resumes but I'm unsure if it is worth taking it in this situation - does anyone have experience with a different 100 talent on this fight? I kind of feel like it may be worth just using PC less frequently since 95% of the boss DPS is done during P1 anyway.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Malon Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:03 pm

Personally, I would not advise taking Crystal on Kromog. It seems like an obvious choice, but his hitbox is so massive that cleaving onto him from the Crystal is difficult.

Edit: Yep, as Frost - though this might have changed with the extra range added to Splitting Ice in 6.1.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:48 pm

Personally, I would not advice taking Crystal on Kromog. It seems like an obvious choice, but his hitbox is so massive that cleaving onto him from the Crystal is difficult.
Are you talking frost here? Because as arcane cleaving pc+boss is extremely easy. You can basically place the crystal whereever and the nova's on it will hit the boss as well.
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When to living bomb for max damage on Operator and Beastlord

Unread postby Niz Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:50 pm

Operator bossmods give you the timer for when the next train is coming. Is there any specific time to refresh Living Bomb on the boss to be able to spread LB with 3-4-5 seconds remaining exactly after adds spawn?

Beastlord bossmods give you the timer for when the next call pack is beeing called. Any specific time to refresh Living Bomb on the boss to be able to spread LB with 3-4 seconds remaining exactly when the adds reach boss (by assuming boss is tanked outside their spawn point)?

Anyone have this timing down? :ugeek:

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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Chev Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:38 pm

This is ready going to depend on how quickly your tank pulls the adds to the boss, if they pull the adds to the boss at all. In my raid the adds generally die before they get to the boss (as we have some DPS whores (looks at me)) and the tanks don't race them to the boss or make any real effort to tank the boss near the door that they come out of.

If your tanks are good, you want to time it so that the bomb is about to die 1 -2 seconds after the adds get to the boss so that you can spread and then refresh before they die.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Alnala Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:12 pm

Blast Furnace (depends how much cleave you got, and your job on the fight, can go either)
Beastlord (arcane could do better, depends how fast the adds die and if thus you gain good boss dmg from lb)
To this - we couldnt kill Blast Furnance on first few pulls. As fire I overdamage slags etc, but we failed on Primal elementalist. Than I changed to arcane (unglyphed) and bursted every elementalist - we kill it on first try (I drop few k od dps, but we did it :) First phase - we prioritize Operators, so arcane better to burst them down, secon phase, for suru arcane better - burt fixate slag and elementalist, 3rd phase - pure single target - arcane better. Blast furnance - arcane
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Methusula Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:57 pm

I do significantly more dps on Blast Furnace as fire vs arcane. Looking at my priority target dps, it is as high, or higher than anyone else in my raid, while obviously doing significant cleave damage. Must just be a comp thing.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby recom Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:10 am

Thing is, if every DPS in your raid does the same thing going full yolo aoe, you'll lack damage on important targets and might run into trouble. Padding meter is fun but wiping to it isn't so unless you outgear the encounter I wouldn't recommend playing fire on Furnace.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Methusula Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:42 am

That is why I mentioned priority targets. I never made mention of "full yolo aoe". Every dps isn't a fire mage. We can maintain excellent single target, while pumping out ridiculous cleave with the exact same rotation.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby TLTeo Sat Feb 28, 2015 7:21 pm

Fire particularly seems to be very comp-dependant in the amount of damage it does. The last time we had a fairly bad cleave comp on Darmac i had a pretty obscene log (51k dps compared to 35-40 i normally get), while still topping boss damage done.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby gameorg Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:25 am

If the adds are tanked next to primal elementalists, fire dmg becomes reasonable on the elementalists due to LB Explosions.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic]

Unread postby Sugg3 Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:25 pm

Updated with the first three (Darmac, Oregorger, Gruul) encounters for Mythic mode. Updates for the next four (H&F, Ka'graz, Kromog and Thogar) will be up before this coming weekend.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic/Mythic

Unread postby Puru Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:36 am

Why doesn't GI work for Acid Torrent on Oregorger. I still seem to take massive amount of damage with it.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic/Mythic

Unread postby Sugg3 Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:02 pm

Updated with Flamebender Ka'graz, Kromog, Hans'gar and Franzok and Operator Thogar on Mythic difficulty. Sorry for the delay.
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Re: Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic/Mythic

Unread postby gameorg Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:12 pm

You can use evanesce to dodge the slice from gruul. No slice = no Dot. But you are still considered as a target (just immune)

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